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Sorry I've been MIA for a while!


~I moved into my apartment

~I graduated undergrad with a BS in corporate communications

~I got a job as an associate producer


So as you can see, my life has been pretty hectic! I am now making enough money to afford a grey, easily, but I'm now working super long hours!


Anyway, I hope to come on as often as I can to continue to do research and participate in conversation, but I don't feel comfortable getting my grey just yet....at least not until I'm adjusted to the long hours.

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Congrats Shana you have done well for yourself but you are young yet and have plenty of time to get your grey so wait a while for things to settle down and you get into a routine where you know you will have enough time to spend with your grey, its not all about being able to afford the pet but giving it the time and attention he/she deserves.

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