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He's Home!!


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Here is a quick cell phone picture of our newest flock member. He really doesnt have a name, they shelter didnt know it, and the woman who took him from there named him Patsy, but he doesn't know that, so.....we will be naming him something...?? not sure what.


He does not know how to step up, but I am told he likes scritches on the head. He's still a bit overwhelmed and settling in, so I am just talking to him for now every time I am in the room. My other birds keep whistling and he whistles back!


Will get better pics later and keep you updated on his settling in.



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Little cutie, I have such a deal for you on a slightly used Macaw, or how about a Goffin cockatoo, only screams on Thursdays, or maybe?




NOTE: Looks like it might be a little girl...

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Why do you say girl? I'm told he/she says pretty bird, whistles the theme song from Zelda, and says a few other things I can't remember.......


Better let me know, we're name searching.....


;)Hi bird Mom, From the photo, I see spots,[round tail] and the tiel is bushy.....BUT IF IT TALKS, it's a Boy. [the photo has no audio?] Sorry........:o

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I've been told that boys whistle and girls do not so this one has to be a boy. About the spots, my Gypsy is covered with spots, I think they call it pearl and she has it on her tail also. I know he is going to become a much loved part of the flock.

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We decided on Piper fr a name. He loves to climb out of his cage and hang around the top, but is scared of hands...:( so we have our work cutout for us.


The greys could care less about him, but Nilah......well thats a completely different story....

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but is scared of hands



Not to worry for that will resolve itself in time, my tiel was scared of hands at first too and that may have been because the only cage I had for her at the time was a cage with a small type door so to get her out I had to catch her with my hands which didn't help the situation any but once I got her a new bigger cage that she could step up on my hand to exit she was better about my hands and in time she steps up just fine for me and Piper will too, you know the drill.

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I just moved his cage into our kitchen area where there is more to see with our every day goings on. He is very close to our parakeets, has a window looking out to our deck and backard. He seems happier cause he has the keets to chat with. Te other birds don't seem to care, even Nilah has called down and accepted him by having him around that area.

Piper is chatting away right now with the Keets. He just stays on top of his cage all day.

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I've been told that boys whistle and girls do not so this one has to be a boy. About the spots, my Gypsy is covered with spots, I think they call it pearl and she has it on her tail also. I know he is going to become a much loved part of the flock.

Thanks Judy, yes a pearl has spots, also some gray or orange-cheeks females have spot's on their tail area near the base of the main body, which most of the time disappear with age. This can also be true with pearls when their quite old. On my computer the photo looked as if there were spots near this area.pearl_cockatiel_pop.jpg



This photo shows what I was refering to...


Thanks sorry

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That first pic of a tiel that Jay posted is almost an exact match to my Gypsy, she has that pearl just about all over her and has that barbing that Ray mentioned, I don't have to have her dna'd to know she is a female. The feathers that she molts out are gorgeous and I have saved a lot of them.

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