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Body Language Question


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I've read the threads here about grey body language, but Gracie does this thing that I haven't heard described. I know a video would explain it best, but I haven't been able to film her doing it yet. I will try my best to describe it. Sometimes when I am talking to Gracie or being sweet with her she will do a sort of wing pump with one wing and then the next. She takes one wing and moves it away from her body about a centimeter and then thumps it back against her body and then does the other wing the same way. She never does both wings at the same time--but right left or left right in succession. If it were a human it would be like soldier standing at attention and then moving one arm straight out away from his body about six inches and then popping it back against his side, and then doing the other arm. She only does it when she seems relaxed and happy--often with one foot tucked up and her chest feathers somewhat fluffed and even quivering a bit. Do any of your fids do this?

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Xandir does something like that. He does it one wing at a time but he doesn't just bring it out and back, he brings it out and moves it "up" (more onto his back) like he's re-positioning it, getting more comfortable. ??



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They all do so many weird things, as well as just for certain people. Sophie does this head spin, just for Sean. She also will only play tag with his feet. Tags him... runs. She hides with her head down, butt in the air, right where we can see her, but she thinks she's hiding. LOL! Of course Sean pretends he can't see her. Ryan, is the only one she will come out and sleep with, if you fall asleep on the couch. For me... she runs to the door when she hears my car. Wants up the moment I walk in the door. We love our Sophie girl Nancy

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