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greys eating habits


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If you wont it then problably they wont.My gret toto loves bout everything,his favorite is scambled eggs.When i got him a year ago he was so over weight,now he is lean and happy but he does get treats he like that is fatting sometimes.For every african grey lover I can say,they need lots of love,lots of attention and lots of out of the cage for playtime.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest Monique

It is supposed to be healthy for them to include the shells in scrambled eggs. Doesn't it seem odd though in a way that occasional eggs are good for a bird?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


I am new here. I brought Angie home on 5/17/07. She is approximately 3 months and I had a DNA test to make sure of the sex. How old is a CAG usually weaned by? The lady I bought Angie from said she is already weaned.


Can anyone tell me if frozen vegetables O.K. for CAG?

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Welcome, & congratulations! It's different for each bird. I would think by 3 months, she would be weaned. Is she having problems eating? What do you feed her?

Looking forward to seeing pictures! :)


And frozen vegetables are fine!<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/05/27 03:40

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Hi Talon and thank you. Yes, the breeder told me that she was already weaned. She sent me home with a mixture of pellets and different types of seeds including sun flower seeds. Last week when I took Angie to the Vet he told me that seeds should only be given as a treat. He advised me to buy an all pellet food which I did. I took all the sun flower seeds out of her food and she refused to eat her food. Last week she weigh 14.1 oz at the Vets. I found my food scale and she weighs 12.3 oz today. I did what I read on this forum today. I put pellets, a little water and a little peanut butter in a small bowl, heated it up and Angie is eating like a champion. The problem is that now she has diarreah. Should I be worried?


I've been trying to find my digital camera and as soon as I find it I will post pictures. My husband found a toy facifier that has a ribbon and a clip at the end of it. He clipped it to his shirt, she climed on his shoulder and he put it in her mouth and she walks around with it in her mouth. It is so cute. I have to find my camera so I can take a picture and post it.


Please anyone, if you have any advise or comments I would appreciate them.


Thank you.<br><br>Post edited by: raehamilton, at: 2007/05/27 19:24

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Hi Rae,


I think the odd bit of diarrhoea is nothing to worry about - it just depends how much fluid they've had recently - and there's lots in fruit and some veg, as well as drinking water. If you've been making pellet mush for Angie, it's likely to have increased her fluid intake.


Which pellets are you using? there's a good thread somewhere on the site (I think its called Harrisons). I found that Casper didn't like the stuff I could get in a pet shop here, but then I tied him on Hagen tropican, which he took to really quickly. Try feeding angie with some from your fingers, then she'll think its a treat.


Welcome to the site!



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Hi Rae, congratulations on your new friend and wlecome to the forum. Frozen veggies are fine and fresh too for that matter. Just try them in different ways, warm, cold, mashed, cubed or whatever way to try to get her to eat them.

A photo of that pacifer thing in her mouth would be hilarious.:laugh:

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Thank you both. I will try to post it as soon as I find my camera. My little girl asked me a question about it the other day and I forgot to take it from her. She says she doesn't remember where she put it, LOL.


I bought Angie Kaytee Exact Nutrition in Every Bite "RAINBOW" pellets from the pet store as the Vet recommended. The following is a guaranteed analysis they claim to have on their food:


Crude Protein (min.)........15.0%

Crude Fat (min.)............ 6.0%

Crude Fiber (max.).......... 5.0%

Moisture (max.).............12.0%


This is what they say on the packaging:


"Exact Rainbow is designed to be the bird's sole diet. Limit additional foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, or other treats to 20% of the bird's total diet. When used as directed, no additional vitamin or mineral supplements are recommended."


I wonder what Harrison's says on their packaging about their foods.

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I think they all make similar claims, although I think Harrisons is the only one that's 100% organic (or so they say). I know it sounds expensive at this stage, but if Angie doesn't like the kaytee after a good trial of it, then try another one - as I said, Casper hated the first one I got for him (it was Pretty Bird), but took to the second one I tried. I think they've all got their own tastes! Keep us posted on the progress!



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It's probably not that much difference in the ingredients of any of the pellets but try different brands until you find one they will eat. I have heard from several vets and experts that claim the Harrisons is the best pellets for them, especially the high potency version.

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Welcome Rae :) I'm sure you'll like it here on this site, Everyone give's great advice.




I didn't know they would eat egg shells.. Let alone they could.. That's trippy. I think I will try that. Tj doesn't like eggs themself but maybe he will go for that. I see alot of greys like cheese :) Mine does too. Basically his favorite thing.. Macoroni.. He absoutely loves it lol. And Uncooked wheat pasta noodles.. Of course!! Lol

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