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How's Isaac Doing?


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Ahh so the time has come again to put into words what my little guy has been up to and how our lives are going together.


As some may remember, I had been sitting with Isaac showing him a cup, bowl, fork, and a spoon. He picked up bowl and fork first, then he got cup with a bit of practice. (He really wanted to nail that 'cu' sound. :) Then he had been making the 'ssss' sound for a couple weeks for spoon. One day I am sitting in my computer chair while my little buddy was sitting on the fridge chatting away. I looked back at him and I said, "How you doing boy, are you happy?" He looks me in the eye and says, "Sssspoooon" and I praised him and loved him up...giving him a little piece of cheese for his accomplishment. Lately, he has stepped back into saying all the words he can say.....especially a cute little peppy, "Litah booooyyee" in so many ways I can't count. I am always calling him the 'Little boy!" so I guess he embraces it. I find it amazing that he didn't just pick these words up because of the way they sound, he picked them up because he wants to relate, which is amazing. He loves walking around all the time saying these words now. I am pretty sure he wants to know more. So it's on to words like 'Apple' and 'Egg' and we shall see where he gets with those. ;)


Also, I think he likes the way my daughter says things. She comes up to him from time to time and says to him, "Hey little boyee". The other day, I came up to him sitting on one of his swings. I come up, pet his head and gave him a kiss on the wing. I pull my head back and he says in a very excited voice like my daughter, "Heeeyyy leeeeetah booooyee!" You can only imagine how excited I was. LOL...what a cutie.


On another note, I love to have Isaac out all day long if I can help it. Recently, I learned that my stress levels peak when I am trying to clean the house and give him his time as well. So I have been conditioning Isaac to at least some cage time while I am home trying to get those things done. I tell you, it is impossible to keep focused on anything when you hear the flapping of wings taking Isaac to another potentially dangerous or destructive situation. In turn, he has grown to accept it quite well, being cute and calling me from the other room when he can't see me. I always call back out to him cause it's fun. He is a much more content bird than I could have imagined.


One more final cute thing. :) I do this thing where I will come op to Isaac and gently poke my finger to touch the surface of the feathers on his tummy. When I make contact, I make this little squeak sound with my lips. Well, it's to the point now to where if I don't make the sound, he takes over. Squeeking like plush toy. LOL. It is hillarious and I had my daughter cracking up over that one.


Loving my baby Isaac has been one of the most rewarding things. I continue, to this day, to look forward to coming home to Isaac every single day. The little guy fills my cup and brings life to my day. I hope everyone who lives with a Grey taps into the same magic. I just always see those eyes looking back at me, and I am overcome by the beauty and personality of the creature. I love to talk to him and tell him wonderful things. My greatest gift, is to love Isaac.


Thank you for reading. :) Have a wonderful day everyone!

Edited by Elvenking
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That was a great post about your time that you spend with Isaac. I can relate as to how you feel and its a great way to enjoy spending life with your compaion.

I always enjoy your post about how you spend your time with Isaac.

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It sounds like Isaac is well on his way to learning many useful words and some very funny phrases and sounds. Depending on what type of cleaning/chores we're doing, we may need to cage Dayo as well for our sanity and to get that task done. Thanks for this great update! :)

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Elvenking... isaac sounds adorable! I LOVED your response.Isaac is growng ...leaps and bounds, with no stopping him. I love that he feels secure with himself, and knows he has a mama that loves him very much. I laughed at him practicing his sounds. I do that also with Sophie. She can't do her M"s. Hence.... I'm ROM. ( I LOVE being called Rom.) Nancy

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I have the same issues with cleaning. Especially that EVIL vacuum cleaner that Gracie loves to hate. I also let her out as much as possible, but when it's cleaning time, Gracie does better attacking a few toys in her cage.

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That tummy squeak thing is so funny! Thanks for sharing more about Isaac. I understand about the cleaning thing. Brutus thinks I am a landing pad when I bend over cleaning, makes it difficult.


LOL...yep. I tried the same game with a different sound last night. A bubble popping sound. And he played along again. LOL. Super cute thing. I was crackin' up with him. Ohh and yeah...the landing on me when I am leaning over, fun stuff...especially when he lands on the sensitive part of my side near my lower back...it can trigger a tickle reflex....little bugger.

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I don't know whether its because of the great relationship you have with Issac or the great way you have of telling a story but I love to hear updates on what the two of you are doing and it makes my heart feel all warm and fuzzy inside, what you two have is precious and endearing.

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Your updates are always a reason to smile. I love how you are teaching your daughter to love Isaac almost as much as you do. I respect how you are giving him a little cage time and he embraces that because he is so secure and a happy little boy. You are not only enjoying your life with him to the fullest but looking out for his future happiness as well. You will only get more delighted by him as time goes by. You make a great family.

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I don't know whether its because of the great relationship you have with Issac or the great way you have of telling a story but I love to hear updates on what the two of you are doing and it makes my heart feel all warm and fuzzy inside, what you two have is precious and endearing.


Your updates are always a reason to smile. I love how you are teaching your daughter to love Isaac almost as much as you do. I respect how you are giving him a little cage time and he embraces that because he is so secure and a happy little boy. You are not only enjoying your life with him to the fullest but looking out for his future happiness as well. You will only get more delighted by him as time goes by. You make a great family.



Thanks so much for these super kind words. I guess the joy Isaac brings me really comes through and that is great to know. :)

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