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I think Brandi is a daredevil

Parrot Lady

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I cannot get this bird to stop climbing inside her cage , as high as she can get she will climb , I have perches all over but low not high , scared she is gonna fall and break her neck I also have her padded with a blanket and lots of news paper , I guess their is no way to get her to stop right? also her wings are not clipped and she decided to take a short flight today she will be 9 weeks old tomorrow

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Brandi doing just fine!More than fine! You can only be the parent, to keep them safe, as best we can. Encourage climbing, as well as fkying.They will crash land... always tell them how proud you are.( even when they stink at flying!) Kiki was NEVER a great flyer in the beginning. She is awesome now. Nancy

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