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Joe & Alex


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This is our third night and we are having a blast! Last night we gave them squash and cucumber, they loved it! I am amazed at how sweet they are. Joe has let me scratch his head, Alex has let me touch his beak. Alex has been saying Hey Mel, Mel was his original owner. My name is Melanie, so when he first said it, it was kind of spooky, but last night he actually said Melanie! And today he said Hey Bill, my hubby is Bill. We have been saying our names when we speak to each other. Joe has been saying I'm Joe and where's Joe. Tomorrow there is a bird fair in our area so we are going to check them out for some new toys for all the birds and some new perches for Joe & Alex.

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I would like to be just a tinge jealous at how well your guys have settled in. But no, I am just thrilled for all of you. This is one of those happy stories of love at first sight. I wonder if the familiarity of being brought in with a buddy is helping. I have read about other well adapted parrots making this kind of successful transition and I think you just have two of the most wonderful accepting boys and you are doing everything just right to acclimate them to your home. Congratulations, I am joyful at your delight in them. It is awesome that they are saying both your names already. Kudos to the whole flock and family.

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