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Rescued "Jamie" from a man who had her in a room with other birds, very little human contact. she tries to talk, but sounds like she is under water...words are garbbled.:confused:..she also has plucked her feathers...we have had her(he had her sexed) for approx. 2 weeks...she seems to love my husband, goes up to him, kisses him etc...:D He also said he had her for 16yrs...my question...can she still be taught to speak?

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Welcome - Jamie is lucky to have found you. While I'm no expert, I will tell you that we rescued Sam a year ago. After months and months of patience, he is just now beginning to make some "garbly" sounds, which make me think he will talk eventually. Take it real slow, and give Jamie plenty of time to get comfortable, and I bet you'll hear lots of great sounds and words. The biggest lesson I've learned is that we're moving at his pace, not mine.

Lot's of luck and if you check out the rescue bird room there is loads of threads that you just might relate to.

Welcome again and I hope you post some photos of your new friend.

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Welcome and bless you for rescuing Jamie. She may already be a talker and is just holding back for now or calibrating as Kave stated. You will know as she settles in more. At 16 years old, they can certainly continue to learn new sounds, whistles and yes words/talking. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :)

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Gilbert is a rehomed TAG somewhere between 8 and 10 years old. He grumbles and makes the garbled sounds, he also says a few really sweet phrases. He has been with us a year and is just beginning to get comfortable. He has picked up new words from us and stopped saying some of the other things we haven't reinforced, so I don't think Jamie is too old or set in her ways to talk. She might just need the incentive and to learn to trust you first. Greys are very individual in their decisions and some don't talk, but she may just blossom with the attention you give her. Even if she doesn't say words, she will communicate effectively with you in a lot of ways though. Give her time, let her get used to you slowly and gradually, sixteen years is a long time for her to have waited for you to come along and be her companion. Congratulations on bringing her home. Good luck and God bless.

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Welcome to the grey forum JamieBird.

Its great that you took on a 16 year old grey and want to give her the best home ever.

There is not much more that I can add to what the others have said.

Take the time to know your new compaion, sit and talk to her and let her know she is loved.

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How wonderful of you to give Jamie a Greyt forever home! As for the talking, I believe he is talking and just needs love and care so he can perfect his speech. I know parrots can learn to talk in later years because my neighbors have an older parrot (true age unknown but at least 12 years) is calling the kids by name. I look forward to hearing how Jamie develops under loving care. Welcome to the Grey family!

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