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We're Home!


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Alex & Joe are home! They did really well on the ride home and transfered from the travel cages into their cages with no problem. They have eaten, had some peanuts, drank some water and now they are preening themselves. As I was getting things in order, Alex was saying work work. My Senegal was not at all impressed when I took her into the room. The Sun Conure made all her usual racket and then when on about her business. I think this just might work. I even got to pet a beak! I will post pictures soon.

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Welcome home Alex and Joe amd may this be the last home you will ever need.

Enjoy your new companions clover77.


P.S. Will you PM me with the names of your other fids, Name and species so I can add them to the Other birds Honored list of the grey forum.

Thanks Ray

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What a great welcome home for Alex and Joe! Congratulations on a smooth transfer. That is better than most. I read once that if you get parrots from the same continent they are more likely to get along. Our red bellied parrot is related to your senegal and she is not at all impressed with our TAG. At least she quit dive bombing him and pestering him, so they are coexisting without becoming friends. They do talk back and forth though. Can you believe you doubled your flock and it went so well for you? That is just awesome.

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