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Just purchased a female african grey, my first parrot!

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Just purchased a baby african congo, this is my first bird, so excited. They told me I can take the bird home, she's is down to 2 feedings, I been reading about taking an unweened baby home and I think its best to wait till she is weened off. Can anyone tell me if it is necessary to buy the light?

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Its a good idea to have full spectrum lighting so they get the UV light they need.

Our birds are inside most of the time and in the Winter time they need it the most.

There are many kinds to chose from so make sure you get the one best for birds and not reptiles.

The amount of time the light is on will depend on the time of year, what kind of windows you have, how often they get to go outside and the part of the country or world you live in.

The health room has a sticky thread on UVB Lighting

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I believe that if you are unfamiliar with hand-feeding a baby grey you should let the "breeders/experts" do it. As for the lighting, please check in the Health Room that has lots of information about necessary sunshine/full spectrum lighting for our greys. Can't wait to see som pictures of your grey. Have you picked a name yet?? Welcome to the Grey family!!!

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Thank u both, looks like I have more homework lol. My bird will be located in my living room, I have 2 windows but on the other side of my living space. I live in NJ, we are entering the summer season, so I intend to sit outside with my bird. Hmm, the name, we first decided Greycie, but discovered "Greycie" is such a common name, so we decided to go with Paradise. How about ur birds, how long have ur had? Do they talk? How about ur birds names?

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My zon had his name Louie when I re-homed him. He has lived with me for almost 2 years and he is 4. My tag, I named Ana Grey because she is such a little lady. She has been with me since she was 4 months old and she is almost 4. My cag, is a silver color so his name is Sterling Gris (Fr. for Grey). He has been with me since he was 5 months old and he is 14 months old. I also have a young canary (Captain Caruso) who was born in March of 2012.

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WOW..NICE! This is all new to me, how is it once you get a bird seems like one always ends up getting more, right? Will my baby be ok by herself, or will she need a friend? I have a dog, she is 2, and I have 6 fishes, but no other birds. I also hear its a good idea to keep the tv on while I'm not home, do u do the same? How often do u bathe ur grey?

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My CAGs name is corky and she is 11 1/2 years old and has been with us all her life.

Cricket my Blue Front amazon is around 16 years old and She is a rehome and has been with us for 3 1/2. years.

Willie my normal grey cockatiel is 21 years old and has been with us all his life and Little One my pied tiel is about 8 years old and is a rehomeand with us for 7 years.

Yes MBS is rampid here !! and there is no vaccine to stop it.

Edited by Ray P
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My birds do not like each other. They only tolerate each other because, well, I insist. I keep my canary in my office with a cloth screen over the doorway because, frankly, Ana Grey would "eat him alive" if she could get ahold of him. My birds are all flighted and out most of the day as I am retired. I did not get my birds for each other, they are for me and I accept the responsibility of keeping them safe from each other.

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there's just so much to absorb, I have to change all my cleaning supplies, from what I read. You both have so many years of experience, I hope I do everything right, I am so excited and also worried at the same time. My son is 4 and is constantly running around the entire house, I don't want the her to get scared, so we'll see. I have to pick up her food, the only thing I have set up is her cage & toys.

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welcome to the forum , I have a 8 week old baby cag her name is Brandi, we had a male cag named Cody but he passed away about 4 months ago due to bone cancer , I handfed and raised him from a baby and he was just starting to talk really good we also have a 1 year old amazon named Rocky and he is a great talker and pics up words really fast

I would advise you to let them wean her , handfeeding is really stressful even if you have experience , I always worry about Brandi even though I know she is getting the best of care

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thank you, yes my husband and I decided to bring her home once she is off the formula. She was born on March 6th, it take 4 months, correct? Sorry, for your loss, how old was Cody? Do all your birds get along with everyone in the family? In my household there's my 2 kids and my husband, I hoping my baby gets along with everyone, instead of one person. Do you have them all in a different cage?

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Welcome to the forum. You are making a good decision to let your little one wean and fledge in his own time. There is a lot more to it than the mechanics of warming the food and giving it to them. It is really good for them to spend that time with clutchmates and someone who is preparing them to be a parrot during this impressionable time. Our small red bellied parrot is about six years old and we were her first home. Her name is Java. Our Timneh African grey is Gilbert. He was rehomed a few times before us and has been a real challenge, but after a little more than a year we are seeing progress. They are not friends but they have learned to tolerate each other with vigilant supervision. I never knew just how much companionship and joy a parrot would bring to our lives. It is a lot of work but well worth it.

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8 weeks old, so you are feeding her 3-4 times daily? What was the reason you didn't let the breeder wean her? Sorry, for your loss, how old was Cody? Did Cody bite? This is something else that worries me, I hear it hurts. I just don't want Paradise to bite the kids, so we are trying to make her as social as possible. My husband wants to get an Amazon next, I say one step at a time, lol Do you mind sharing the differences between the grey & the amazon, all though I know its only been 8weeks?

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Welcome to the forum. You won't believe how much a grey will change your life. They are a lot of work, but a happy healthy grey is a companion that will make you laugh every day. I believe you're wise to let her finish weening at the breeder's. MBS is rampant around here, although so far I remain immune. Zon's are a whole other kettle of fish. We have a room devoted to them if you want to get an idea about life with an amazon.

Greys can be scared by children because of their quick movements and loud noises. Four is old enough, IMHO, to understand that the parrot is a baby and that you have to be calm and gentle around it. You'll just have to supervise out-of-cage time carefully since both the kids and the parrot are capable of injuring each other. Beyond that, if your kids make any noises that drive you crazy you can be guaranteed that your grey will pick them up and repeat them at CAG volume. lol

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i just rec'd a call from the breeders asking me if I would like to take a session on how to feed my baby, PARADISE is down to 2 feeding, they say if I'm comfortable with feeding her i can take her home sooner than August. This is something I would have to consider. Can you guys let me know what are your thoughts about covering the cage for bedtime, I keep hearing different stories, should I?

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Well, it's the fact that the breeder is pushing you taking your baby home early that is making me wonder. Do they need the $. If the original deal was for a weaned bird and full payment when you bring baby home they need to stick to their deal. Is the breeder close enough for you to visit on a regular basis? Something about this is making my uncomfortable.


As for covering, Dorian has his own room so all I need is good curtains and a night light for him at bedtime. Do they cover the birds at the breeders?

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i just rec'd a call from the breeders asking me if I would like to take a session on how to feed my baby, PARADISE is down to 2 feeding, they say if I'm comfortable with feeding her i can take her home sooner than August. This is something I would have to consider. Can you guys let me know what are your thoughts about covering the cage for bedtime, I keep hearing different stories, should I?

Are you prepared to fledge your baby? Have you fledged a parrot before? I'm not upset with you, it's the breeder who's bothering me... One mistake and your baby could die or have a crop burn through...In truth and reality, you won't bond better if you do this...Acappella thanks...

Don't do it....

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the breeder says it's up to me, I can continue to visit her until, I feel comfortable or till she is weened. The location is pretty far, but if this is what I have to do to ensure her health, so be it. For the past 2 weekends, during visit, she seemed a bit nippy, is this usual or is this something I should worry about? I asked the breeders if they can have her out, so this way she can socialize with people, my hopes is that the biting stops and she becomes as social as possible.

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Welcome to the forum. I am new in the bird world myself and this forum has been a great resource. I got my CAG Gracie (yes, I guess it is a common name although I didn't know that when I chose it) about six months ago. There does seem to be a lot to learn at first, but I have found the whole experience easier than I feared. There is an answer for almost every question you have here. Most of the basics have already been addressed, so you will find much treasure as you read through the various posts. Don't worry about your baby being nippy. You will have a chance to build a bond with Paradise once she is home. I visited my Gracie almost every day for two months before I brought her home, but the trust didn't start until we came home. Gracie used to nip some at first, but she never does anymore (she is 11 months old this week). The thing I want to stress is that life with a grey will be different from that of other "pets" you may have had. With dogs or cats you sort of find your relationship quickly and it tends to remain basically the same once the potty training and chewing phase is over. What I have seen with Gracie is that we make steady progress day by day, week by week, month by month. We haven't started on the years yet, but my guess is that things will always be changing and evolving. That is an exciting prospect, and it has taught me patience and also a sense of anticipation for what lies ahead.

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thanks Jeff, I love the name "Gracie", but I went with Paradise, its different. So do u cover your cage? Would you say Gracie is more attached to you, and only you or is she social? How have you managed with maintaining the cage clean? What do you use on the cage floor? I'm still debating on what to use, look I don't even know what it is called, lol, but I think I'm going with the thing that comes in different colors. As you can see, I am very new to the parrot world, I am so excited. Has Gracie started to talk?

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I do cover Gracie's cage at night. I think she prefers that, and it keeps her from waking me at 5:45 with the sunrise. I use newspaper to line her cage and surrounding areas. Cleaning is not a problem. I just change the papers daily and do brush and sponge scrubs when she is out. I live alone, so Gracie is bonded to me. She is hesitant and shy with others, but not what I would call anti-social. She will step up for treats from new people, but doesn't really seek to be handled by them. She isn't fearful or aggressive with anyone, but likes her space. Gracie is almost 11 months old and talks a little bit. She says "step up" and Barkley doggie". Otherwise she makes all sorts of fun noises from wolf whistles, to kisses, to bomb drops and more. She mumbles a lot of "pre-language" which will hopefully become words soon.

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thanks Jeff, I love the name "Gracie", but I went with Paradise, its different. So do u cover your cage? Would you say Gracie is more attached to you, and only you or is she social? How have you managed with maintaining the cage clean? What do you use on the cage floor? I'm still debating on what to use, look I don't even know what it is called, lol, but I think I'm going with the thing that comes in different colors. As you can see, I am very new to the parrot world, I am so excited. Has Gracie started to talk?

welcome to the forum :D I have only had my baby home for 3 months and she was bought from a pet store that only hand feeds their babies and wont let them go home until fully weened and holding their weight on their own. Its a painfully long wait, but I felt so good about that. I traveled every Sat/Sun for 3 months out to see her about 100 miles one way. She was nippy at the store but then I started to bring toys and treats for her and got her accustomed to that. I worked on step up with her while there and would spend 3-6 hours visiting her each time. But I have to say since having her home, shes nothing like she was in the store surrounded by other people and birds and such. Shes much calmer and she KNOWS she rules the house now lol.


She is definately bonded with me the most I spend the most time with her. She accepts hubby "now" but that wasnt an instant thing, that was with alot of work and bites for him and his insistance that she step up until she complied. Now she doesnt even throw a fit. He (when home) spends time talkin to her as well and that helps.


Marco has a huge cage with tons and tons of toys, shes in her cage while we are at work and every moment we are home shes out of the cage playing on something :D We dont cover her up at night, and shes in the family room where the tv is on and she has no problems with that. I line the cage with newspaper as well and change that a few times a week and then take the cage outside with hubbys help and clean it down w/the hose. I have a special carpet i bought to go under the cage to catch anything she drops and that has helped LOTS!

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