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My grey forgot me :(


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a year and a half ago, our family got a young African grey from a local breeder. when we first got her, she was unable to step up, but after a while she became hand tame and developed a trust with me. i played with her every day and i would be able to flip her over to tickle her belly.:o but after that, i had to leave to study abroad. I thought that my family would be able to take care of her but she always had a closer bond with me. Now its been 9 months and i have returned just to find that she has forgotten me...:( She would bite when a put my hand in her cage and when she climbs out she refuses to step up. What should i do? its as if she thinks I'm a predator! i feel really bad and do wish to regain her trust.. any help would be appreciated.

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It's not likely that she has forgotten you, although she might be upset with you for being gone so long. You're going to need to go slow to regain her trust. Basically just start all over again from the beginning, but this time it shouldn't take as long. :o)



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Hi and welcome to our forum!


Your grey did not forget you. She is pissed about your leaving her and giving you the cold shoulder and playing hard to get. You are going to need to just have lots of patience, sit and talk to her, say things that you used to that you know she responded to etc. She will warm back up to you after she has made you suffer for it.... typical woman. Sorry, just had to add that to rouse some attention here. :P

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She is correcting you, not the other way around. She's does not want to step up for you and is letting you know that. Just watch her body language when you ask for a step-up and start moving your hand forward. She will lift her foot if she is gong to comply. It is too early for you to try and force it on her.

Edited by danmcq
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There must be something special you both used to do or say that makes her loves you more than anything. In my case, DJ loves the first meeting in the morning when i come and take him out of his cage. We enjoy the feeding time, the kisses and the funny chat. There is no way that she forgot about you! Take it slowly like everyone said and be patient, let her feel your love even if you don't touch her for sometime. I hope this will help

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It must have been wrenching to have to leave her but necessary for your education. You have been gone for almost half her life. Also, she has gone from a baby to a juvenile during this time and would have made changes from the cuddly hands-on stage to more independence and a will of her own regardless of if you were with her every day. I agree with everyone else, time and patience will bring her back around to remember her first love. Don't take it personally, just be yourself and she will come toward you and you will know when she is ready.

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I doubt she forgot you, too. As evidence, I recently reunited with an adult Timneh, Opie, I had about 13 years ago (wild-caught but tame-ish). Opie was always a lady's bird, and has lived happily with 2 ladies all this time (I've gotten regular reports of his welfare all along, of course). I did not visit him for my own sadness and his happy adjustment to his new home. No sooner did I walk in the door, did he wolf-whistle to me and clearly remember me, as he also gave kisses and "hand" shakes as I taught him so long ago. I was told he is not accepting of strangers visiting, so I could not have been seen as a stranger. He never did really bond with me, or allow scritches, but seemed for all the world to be glad to see me. (There was no problem with him as a result of my visit, so it's not like he was traumatized) To him, I must have been seen as a flockmember who flew the coop a long time ago?

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i dont think he forget u.i guess he just take a revenge because u leave him for long time.

even now,sometimes i need to be out from home and momo is very mad because i leave him almost half a day.he wouldnt let me scratch him and i dont even think he will step up for me.

just try to show me he is upset when im not around.

i couldnt imagine what he will do to me if i leave him for nine months. :)

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