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Because of the Vitamin D overdose Xandir was quite sick and was slow to develop physically. He was late in playing with toys and late perching. I had asked his breeder not to clip his wings and she has not, but today she told me that he has not flown at all, not even once. He's 16 weeks old, is it normal for a grey this age to not have tried to fly at all?



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We have two rescues, Joe and Tango, and neither one was allowed to fledge. They were both clipped early. Tango, at 11 years old, has poor back and wing muscle development. She has been un-clipped for over two years now and she lives in a house full of birds that fly constantly around her. We don't think she will ever fly. Joey, because of diet, is stunted. He is small for a CAG with extremely poor back and wing muscle development and his wings are thin and shorter than they should be. It has taken him over two years to have the desire or even attempt to fly. He flies in short hops, thirty feet or less, tail down with slight heavy breathing and he will now do this about 8-10 times a day. So, yes, diet (nutrients) play an important part in how, when and if a parrot flies. There can also be a fear factor involved. Joe's was fear of landing. Bless you and don't stop doing what you are doing.

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I can't say what is normal development but I can tell you about Juno. He was never clipped and was right about the sixteen week mark when he fledged. His breeder waited for all three clutchmates to wean and fledge and then clipped the wings of his brothers. While still at the breeder, Juno flew into a wall and injured his wing. He was treated at his vet for pain and checked for damage and there was no lasting damage. He stayed with his breeder until he was about 20 weeks and then came home with us after his wing was healed. He learned to fly in our home and got really good at it in just a couple of weeks. With that said, Juno had PDD and passed away just seven weeks into our life together. The joy he brought to our home in those weeks prior to succumbing to his illness is immeasurable. Your situation is totally different from ours but I don't think it is unusual that he is not attempting to fly. His medical history combined with his personality might just mean he is being more cautious and hasn't had a reason to take flight just yet.

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I don't plan on clipping him and I'll do everything I can to help him build confidence. His development, physically and otherwise, was slow because of his illness, but he has confidence in himself when it come to people. When at the vets the other day he went to everyone and let them love on him. The vet and office staff couldn't believe he was the same bird that was there a month ago. :o)



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What a testament to his care and his will to have overcome his health issues and be such a social butterfly. Xandir has something to teach us all, I am glad you are here with us while we discover what that message means to all of us.

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Tina, Xandir's breeder, said that he's late taking flight because of being sick. He did everything late. :o) But all this means is that I'll be the one that gets to see him take his first flight ever. :o)


I'm getting ready to make the 1.5 hr drive to go get him. We're meeting at 1pm and Xandir is coming home!! He's used to traveling so the drive should be uneventful. ;O)



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I had him on a play stand in the living room today when I was getting ready to feed the baby Parrotlet. He decided he wanted some and flew maybe close to about 10 feet trying to get to me. He landed on the top shelf of a short bookshelf. :o)



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His breeder called last night while Xandir was on the play stand. I went over to him as I was telling her about the flight. I began to walk away and I heard him flapping his wings then all of a sudden he was on my shoulder. :o) It was a flight of about 6 feet. YAY Xandir!!



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