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camping- HELP!!

Guest candismalli

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Guest candismalli

We are trying to plan a camping trip with some friends. I don't want to leave Charley behind. I will also be bringing a puppy (he is training to be a service dog for my daughter) and maybe my old dog too. I need some help as to what size cage I will need to get for when we are camping- I have a cat type carrier that I have used for him a few times when I have taken him places. I have an aviator harness ordered for him, and want to start getting him used to it right away. Charley just turned 15 weeks & he is a riot. I can "roughhouse" with him, and he loves flying all around the house and being by my side. He is used to several hours out of cage time a day.

I am hoping for some tips & tricks for the trip itself & also what type & size cage I will need for him. I don't want to spend a fortune, but fear that I must. I guess it might be better if it is collapsible unless it is what he will also be using in the car. It will also be an 11 hour drive (with several stops), camping in a campground in tents. Wilderness type area I believe, I have never been there (haven't been camping since I was a kid) but our friends have & they are bringing their horses for us to ride. Someone will always be at the tent area pretty much unless we go out to eat because my daughter who is in love with horses is too scared to actually ride.

The trip if we are able to go will not be until July 9 when Charley will be 22 weeks.

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Get a good travel cage and you'll have it for years, saving you money in the long run. Make sure it fits securely in your car and that you can comfortably get it in the door. We took the zon camping several times. He loved it.

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Guest candismalli
Get a good travel cage and you'll have it for years, saving you money in the long run. Make sure it fits securely in your car and that you can comfortably get it in the door. We took the zon camping several times. He loved it.


would the one that luvparrots gave me a link to qualify?


since you have taken your zon camping, do you have any tips for me bringing Charley? I haven't been camping in forever let alone taken Charley anywhere except for local places like the kids schools. I am planning on bringing food & bottled water for him.

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All of our birds have gone camping with us and also have traveled all over the U.S. with us, When we go they go.

We have two very larg tiel type cages that fit very well in our van or motor home.

Are grey and zon love to travel with us and I think its because they are close to us and get a lot of extra attention. So when they see the travel cage, they know road trip and they get all excited.

When people say a grey does not like change this is not always true. If you start always doing differant things and going places they can except new and differant things,

Corky my grey has spent time in hotels, motels, friends home and the homes of relitives. She has also traveled in my pick up trucks our van, suv, motor home and cars and she is not afraid of anything so I say go for it and enjoy your time with them when you travel or camp out or go for just a ride.

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Guest candismalli
All of our birds have gone camping with us and also have traveled all over the U.S. with us, When we go they go.

We have two very larg tiel type cages that fit very well in our van or motor home.

Are grey and zon love to travel with us and I think its because they are close to us and get a lot of extra attention. So when they see the travel cage, they know road trip and they get all excited.

When people say a grey does not like change this is not always true. If you start always doing differant things and going places they can except new and differant things,

Corky my grey has spent time in hotels, motels, friends home and the homes of relitives. She has also traveled in my pick up trucks our van, suv, motor home and cars and she is not afraid of anything so I say go for it and enjoy your time with them when you travel or camp out or go for just a ride.


Charley is great with change. We bring him places, I just got home from bringing him to my son's 4th grade class and he let every kid give him scritches before he had enough and went on my shoulder to say he was done. I can play around with him and he is used to all kinds of noises, he doesn't seem fazed with sudden or loud noises he is so used to all the commotion. We will be in a tent, but it has several rooms so he will have time alone at night. I am going to bring him in the car more to get him a little more accustomed to being in a travel cage. He is my buddy & I love him so much, I already can't imagine life without him! I am excited & can't wait to get the aviator harness in the mail, I want to start getting him used to it right away so we can enjoy outdoor time.

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We are trying to plan a camping trip with some friends. I don't want to leave Charley behind. I will also be bringing a puppy (he is training to be a service dog for my daughter) and maybe my old dog too. I need some help as to what size cage I will need to get for when we are camping- I have a cat type carrier that I have used for him a few times when I have taken him places. I have an aviator harness ordered for him, and want to start getting him used to it right away. Charley just turned 15 weeks & he is a riot. I can "roughhouse" with him, and he loves flying all around the house and being by my side. He is used to several hours out of cage time a day.

I am hoping for some tips & tricks for the trip itself & also what type & size cage I will need for him. I don't want to spend a fortune, but fear that I must. I guess it might be better if it is collapsible unless it is what he will also be using in the car. It will also be an 11 hour drive (with several stops), camping in a campground in tents. Wilderness type area I believe, I have never been there (haven't been camping since I was a kid) but our friends have & they are bringing their horses for us to ride. Someone will always be at the tent area pretty much unless we go out to eat because my daughter who is in love with horses is too scared to actually ride.

The trip if we are able to go will not be until July 9 when Charley will be 22 weeks.






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Guest candismalli

thanks Dave- I like that Kings Cage one!


Would it be safe to let Charley fly around the tent with the screens up? We have a large tent 3 sleeping areas, and a large common area that can all be opened up or closed off and lots of screened in areas, or I can use the solid closure but it wouldn't let the breeze thru to cool it off.

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thanks Dave- I like that Kings Cage one!


Would it be safe to let Charley fly around the tent with the screens up? We have a large tent 3 sleeping areas, and a large common area that can all be opened up or closed off and lots of screened in areas, or I can use the solid closure but it wouldn't let the breeze thru to cool it off.


Honestly, I would play it safe. it's very hard to answer your question. Some will say yes and some will say no. Only you know your equipment and how strong and heavy duty it is. I'm not familiar with camping gear. the only camping gear I'm formiliar with is when I was in the boy scouts. Many many many years ago. Only you know how cold it's gonna be at night. You would need an area that has little breeze.


The one I will tell you-------I would definitely put a flight harness on the bird and leave it on until you get home. Your bird may hate it but that increases your chances of not having any misfortunes happen. I Wouldn't just say do it because I wouldn't wanna be blamed for giving the wrong advise just to make someone happy.

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Guest candismalli
Honestly, I would play it safe. it's very hard to answer your question. Some will say yes and some will say no. Only you know your equipment and how strong and heavy duty it is. I'm not familiar with camping gear. the only camping gear I'm formiliar with is when I was in the boy scouts. Many many many years ago. Only you know how cold it's gonna be at night. You would need an area that has little breeze.


The one I will tell you-------I would definitely put a flight harness on the bird and leave it on until you get home. Your bird may hate it but that increases your chances of not having any misfortunes happen. I Wouldn't just say do it because I wouldn't wanna be blamed for giving the wrong advise just to make someone happy.


Thank you so very much Dave for your great advice. I don't know how the tent will be because I haven't even ordered it yet, lol. I know which one I want but have to show hubbie first. I am going to work with the harness daily as soon as it comes in (I ordered it from amazon a couple of days ago) Thanks for reminding me about the temp, I will ask about the nighttime drop and bring a blanket for Charley, I wasn't planning to leave the screen for nighttime anyway, just day & he will be in the cage at night. I am getting more excited now that I have been planning with ya'll for Charley!!

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Of course, you will be able to go! Charley should be included, no matter what! The large collapsible cage sounds perfect. A very important age. I either took Sophie with us, or had someone she loved, come care for her, for the week.(Sophie has always had lots of friends she knew, felt comfortable with). When I chose someone to babysit... they moved in for the week. As she got older, I took her to the groomer at the petstore, with instructions, to put her on the local gym, to socialize. Had to send my toaster, as she wants 1/4 slice of buttered toast every morning. When I got home, my groomer/petstore owner, presented me with requests from people that were interested in buying her. ( he was bound to tell me!) It kind of freaked me out, so I tend to hire people to come and live with Sophie. Have never had a problem. Nancy

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Guest candismalli
Of course, you will be able to go! Charley should be included, no matter what! The large collapsible cage sounds perfect. A very important age. I either took Sophie with us, or had someone she loved, come care for her, for the week.(Sophie has always had lots of friends she knew, felt comfortable with). When I chose someone to babysit... they moved in for the week. As she got older, I took her to the groomer at the petstore, with instructions, to put her on the local gym, to socialize. Had to send my toaster, as she wants 1/4 slice of buttered toast every morning. When I got home, my groomer/petstore owner, presented me with requests from people that were interested in buying her. ( he was bound to tell me!) It kind of freaked me out, so I tend to hire people to come and live with Sophie. Have never had a problem. Nancy


I think I remember reading about you with the toaster & having people wanting to buy her, lol

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It was truly annoying! I stick close to home now, with people I hire, to care for the birds. Dogs get boarded. If people Sophie Loves, can't care for her, it takes her about a week, to accept someone new. New person meets with her everday for a week. By the end of the week, she is in love. If she is happy, all the birds are happy. Nancy

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Also don't forget to consider temperature extremes a tent can get extemely hot quick, and keep her out of the direct sun as either one can over heat her as being in a cage offers little escape room, a rock and a piece of cardboard on top of the cage can give her a spot to cool off in if she is in her cage, and also beware of the smoke from the camp fire and what is put in in sometimes people put trash and plastic in the fire and that can be harmful to her, Lastly look out for other animals wild and domestic, raccoons and squirrels, as long as you stay on your toes to potential dangers you will have a great time.

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Guest candismalli
Also don't forget to consider temperature extremes a tent can get extemely hot quick, and keep her out of the direct sun as either one can over heat her as being in a cage offers little escape room, a rock and a piece of cardboard on top of the cage can give her a spot to cool off in if she is in her cage, and also beware of the smoke from the camp fire and what is put in in sometimes people put trash and plastic in the fire and that can be harmful to her, Lastly look out for other animals wild and domestic, raccoons and squirrels, as long as you stay on your toes to potential dangers you will have a great time.


Thank you so very much for all this good advice! I am definitely going to be reviewing this thread a few times while I am planning the trip since things can be overlooked while also planning for everyone else! I want to plan for whatever dangers I possibly can and for whatever can make things go smoothly (relatively)

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I remember camping with my good friend who rescued birds. ( where we got Sunny and was introduced to the world of birds!) She had a camper that slept six. Everywhere I went in that camper, was a baby bird that came along for feedings. LOL! I didn't have a bird at that time, but spent the weekend doing " feedings". It was sooo fun and amazing. " how bird will travel!" Nancy

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would the one that luvparrots gave me a link to qualify?


since you have taken your zon camping, do you have any tips for me bringing Charley? I haven't been camping in forever let alone taken Charley anywhere except for local places like the kids schools. I am planning on bringing food & bottled water for him.


The number one tip I can give you is practice. The zon was familiar with the camper because we always had it set up but the kids had several overnights of back yard camping as trial runs. The zon was left alone, had people walking by and birds over head all to judge if he would do alright (we watched and listened from windows above).

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