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Java is up early


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This morning, I was up way too early. I was making coffee and catching up on my email when I could hear Java grumbling about the early wake up call. She is a red bellied parrot and has spoken very little in six years. She has a few familiar phrases and her voice is not nearly as clear as the grey capability, but she makes herself understood. This morning she was asking over and over "what are you doing" and then she said "what are you doing bird" and she emphasized bird in a way that reminds me of Jerry Seinfield saying "Newman". She just kept talking and chatting away saying a lot of what Gilbert says. She calls herself "pretty girl" and says "come on over here bird". I can't recall that I call her bird, so maybe that is what Gilbert is calling her. It is just funny and so very endearing. It is also very interesting that Gilbert will say "Gilbert's a good boy" or "Gilbert's a pretty boy" but when he talks to Java he calls her a girl. He came in calling himself a boy, but I do know I call Java a girl when I talk with her often as I feed her or get her out for cuddles and play time.

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Those quiet moments are wonderful all right, it does make it worthwhile to get up early and to stay up late. Java is an early riser and goes to bed early. Gilbert likes to stay up late and that is his quiet special time. You are so right that I need a banner, especially now. We just added more critters to our house. Where do I get started?

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This is why I love the other bird room so much. Java is a very quiet, understated little parrot in color and in speaking ability, but she is so full of personality and intelligence that I am still in awe after six years. When she does talk, it is so quiet it almost sounds like a grumble. When she first started making tones and cadences that were repetitive, I couldn't understand what she was saying. I used a digital recorder then played it back at a slower speed and then could clearly understand her for the first time. She would sway back and forth and say something and get very excited when I came close to her cage. When I played that back she was saying "I wanna get out". When she did it the next time and I asked if she wanted to get out, the joy and excitement was enough to bring goosebumps. When she asks "what are you doing", I have always answered her and told her what I am doing. As she hung out on the top of the refrigerator watching me in the kitchen, she asked me and I asked in return what she was doing. She said "I'm working". Then she laughed and laughed. Another time with the same question returned she said "I'm busy". She is such a hands on little parrot. She will lie on her back in my hand with her head hanging way back to get a scratch on the soft little spot just below her lower beak and she makes a little breathy cooing sound. She was quite nippy the first year but as I got to know more about parrots, she was not a four month old baby that I thought we were getting and she had been neglected and mistreated. Looking back and realizing the time we have spent acclimating Gilbert even though we learned so much more from this forum, it is a miracle that she has such a sweet disposition.

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