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we aquired another parrot....


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lady up the street called and asked if we would be interested in thier senegal. I have been around merlin a few times and other than not likeing men so much he is a cool bird. he does not fly at all. guess he never learned, his winga have never been clipped. he is 20 years old and in good health. so we said we would on a 1 week trial. I wanted to see make sure that Luna our Grey would not freak.


well that was a month ago and we decided to keep Merlin. Luna hangs out on top of his cage from time to time and we never let them out of their cage at the same time. when luna is on his cage merlin will go over and give her the stink eye and thats it. I will say its fun and still nerve racking to take merlin outside on my shoulder.





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yea he is pretty and is really quiet. he gets a little chirpy in the morning and thats it. he will let women pet him through the bars, if a male tries it he will nip, however if i open the cage and put my hand in to take him out he will chirp and happily get on my finger. weird... when he is out you need to go slow around him, any fast moves like somebody putting their hand up to pet or to step up will be greeted with a scream and flutter off to the floor.


he will talk when nobody is around. i wsa in the the computer room for a couple of hours and heard him say pretty bird a few times. only has happened once.

Edited by carlsjr
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Congrats on your new addition of Merlin, sennies are beautiful birds and yours is no exception but watch out now that the neighborhood knows you are a bird lover you might find yourself the recipient of more handovers, glad you could give Merlin a new forever home.

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