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More Ramblings from Biscotti!


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Who did that? Oh my goodness, he is so funny. I love all his little chats. We had friends and family in this weekend, Gilbert was talking some and they were laughing so I showed them the video of Biscotti. I heard a lot of "kiss on the beak" and "mama's got your back sugar" and of course the red booty jungle chicken. Biscotti is a unique and entertaining little soul. I love to hear you in the background responding to him. He is surely the light of your life. You are great together. Thank you for posting the videos. You just never know the lift of laughter you send out to us to find at a rough patch to help bring back smiles.

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Thank you Katana, yes he is the light of my life! He came to me at a time in my life when I really needed his joyful little spirit. His randomness is what I love so much. In this video I thought it was really interesting when he made the fake sneeze & said "bless you mommy" then a minute later he did a real birdy sneeze/snort (whatever it is that they do) and said "bless you parrot!" I believe he knows who he is , who I am and what things he is simply repeating because he likes them & what is actually happening in the here & now. They are very complex little creatures & I think we are blessed to have them in our lives.

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Chezron I also think that they have a sense of humor! Biscotti always seems to know when he says something out of order or made up & he either laughs or says "silly parrot". He will be 3 next week and I was lucky enough to find his breeder who is only about 15 miles from me! I was able to see him & his clutch mate regularly from about 1 week old all the way through until I brought him home at 12 weeks. My visits with him in those 3 months were some of the best memories ever! They changed so quickly & their personalities emerged as they got a little older, it was amazing. I think it was around when they were 4-6 weeks old that Biscotti "chose" me. He would hang with me the whole time I was there! His sister was more independent. I am so glad I got to be a part of his early development. :)

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