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college life...here we go


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i moved into my new apartment in the beginning of september. i left rox with my mom /: which i was bummed about, but i just figured as though i needed to test out my roommates and their habits before i brought roxy into this new atmosphere. so its been about a month and my roommates have thrown a few parties. i believe that the novelty of it is out of their systems along with mine and this really will be more of a lo-key environment..(aka they can go elsewhere for entertainment) so i'm now thinking (its been a slow process) that this is a suitable environment for roxy to live...i am definitely adjusted to living here so i think that will bring comfort to her. also, i have the perfect spot for her in my room (the sunniest/soothing of all places)

i'm going to get into contact with my landlord to approve her residency and soon enough i think i'm gonna do it! oh and a great thing about being here... im literally 20 miles closer to her vet


so i just wanted to post cuz i'm siked! i mean i've been going home on weekends to see her but its not enough(!) i'm sure you know what i mean. mom takes great care of her..but i miss my bud.


okkk so if any of you have any advice as far as college life goes/ safety wise/ activity wise..anything, i would love some input

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It sounds like you have all your bases covered. I would make sure there is no Teflon cook wear used, no smoking in the house, and no air fresheners. Also, go over with all your roommates the rules of being around your bird…like language and things like that. I used to bring my CAG to work all the time but I no longer do because some of the guys that would come in would patronize him when I wasn't in the room. So threaten to crack heads if you have to.


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One more thing: NO SMOKING PLEASE.


I had to fight with my room mate for this one. I smoke, but I take my cigarettes to the restroom or the kitchen and smoke with the exhaust on or just step out.


Second: tell them that there might be poop at times on the floor... hope they are okay with that too.


Wish you luck buddy.

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Guest briansmum

you need to make your room mates understand how important this bird is to you that it's not "just a bird" or "just a pet" that roxy is an intelligent creature and your friend. they'll probably think your mad but you emphasise this to them. warn them about poop and possible noise, and as already mentioned no smoking in the house if any one is a smoker. and lay down the ground rules before you do anything.


if any of your house mates seem immature or uncareing then take the time to knock some sense into them before bringing roxy to live with you. i know this all sounds very negative but we want you and your birdy to be happily reunited and the biggest threat to parrots are people who are uneducated about them :)


good luck in bringing roxy home and keep us updated

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I have to shadow the thoughts of everyone above and just set ground rules with everyone. The good thing is it will be in your room and not necessarily a "communal" area where people are more likely to pester it tap its cage etc. I know when I had roomates in my apartment they wold take the birds out occasionally which was nice when I wasn't home. The good thing about Greys is they don't do so bad in apartments as far as noise level, hell I have 2 CAG's a Sun Conure, and a Senegal, and my Sun is by far my loudest bird and I've never had any complaints, amazingly!

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Sorry to post kind of late on this, but I really felt the need. I am happy to see you're going to do it! It sounds like you are taking the proper precautions of bringing her into the college environment. I was in a similar situation when I went to school. I had two macaws, a blue & gold, and a miniature yellow collar. I left them at home at first for my mom to take care of. I noticed that when I'd go home, they just we not receiving the proper care they deserved. I wanted to take them to school with me, but there was not anywhere in the area I lived in that would allow "pets," and I knew it wouldn't be fair to bring them into the environment I lived in at the time. We had to put them up for adoption, and I have regretted it ever since. I miss my babies! But now we have Makena are couldn't be happier! :) B) There is some great advice in this thread that should definitely be of concern - good job everyone! Best of luck to you!

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  • 1 year later...

Gah! I don't really have any advice for you but I can definitely relate. I'm in college now and at the moment I'm living at home, but it's an hour commute to my campus... by bus...that leaves at 6 AM. ANYWHO. I was considering getting an apartment, but there are so many things I wouldn't even know how to begin to deal with--landlords, roommates, noise issues, etc etc...

Let me know how it goes!

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Everything is good with Roxy. I chickened out though... she is still at home with my mom...

A couple of weeks after I had seriously considered bringing rox to my apartment, we had to do something about the mice problem. My roommate got a cat and so I became hesitant about the idea. Especially because the cat was adopted and had been living on the street for the first couple months of his life (so his wild instincts were much more prevalent). It turned out that I had made the right decision though; soon after the cat had just gotten acclimated we got a HUGE flea problem.. since we didn't put any front line on him. It took 2 pest control treatments to get rid of them which are extremely toxic.

I just think that roxy is too sensitive and too precious to me to take any kind of risk. The apartments are old and dirty and filled with mice around boston so its just not worth it..

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Sophie don't let me discourage you though, after all that lol


I was just worried about the grungy city.. but it seems like your school's in upstate ny?

I bet if you asked your land lord ahead of time it would be no problem. And if you find the right roommates who are respectful enough it wouldn't be an issue.

The only tricky parts are other pets/ parties and maybe the amount of time school takes up

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It sounds like you've made the right decision, Razza. I'm also a college student in a city, and luckily enough I am able to keep my CAG with me. Our flat isn't in the best shape, but we don't have any safety hazards. Pfew!

I hope you're in a situation soon where you can keep Roxy with you!

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