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I don't know what Buddy is doing...


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He's been doing this for a few days now. Buddy will let me pet him through the cage, and sometimes a little bit when he's out...depends on his mood. Well lately he's been doing something different, haven't seen this behavior before. If I stick my fingers in for a rub, he will mouth all my fingers and rub his beak on all my fingers, at all different angles (who knew a grey could move their head round like that?). He'll even grab my fingers with a foot and continue this. It looks a little (I keep coming up with the word neurotic, but it's not that, but similar). He will even step up for me in the cage sometimes now. I wonder if he's telling me he wants to come out. I have to be careful with the big dogs, they think Buddy is a meal. :( Trying to find a solution to separating them when Buddy is out, but still keep them a part of activities or something. Don't know.


I don't know if he's done this with my hubby. At any rate my hubby hasn't mentioned anything like this. Buddy has regurged for hubby, but I think he regurged for me today after all this behavior. I mean, there was no food in his mouth and then there was. I'm so confused.

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It sounds like he loves you very much, I have never had my grey lick my fingers like that but it does sound like affection of some sort, you are special to him and your hubby too, Buddy has come a long way since you brought him into your home and your life.

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kallie does that with my husband, who's the center of her universe! i get to give her head rubs and touch her feet, especially at bed time, but i don't get the excitement and happiness like my husband does! buddy loves you very much!!!!

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I hope what you say is right, judy. I love him dearly and can't imagine that it's taken this long to have him in my life. He's amazing. He's already barking like my chihuahua (which is really kind of annoying, LOL) and he's learning new things. He whistles like a whipper will (sp?), my hubby taught him that, and is teaching him the morning dove sound. He says what's up Buddy in my voice, and says good boy in my voice. I'm waiting for "oh sh@t", because I tend to say that a lot, but haven't heard it yet...or he hasn't had need for it yet.


He still won't stay in the office with me. I think he associates his smaller cage with leaving, so he doesn't like to be around it. I have plans of a playstand for the office and bedroom. Sadly, I haven't been able to let him out as much as I wanted because I had finals and stuff, but that is all over now and I can devote time to Buddy-proofing the house better, making hang-out areas for him, and just hanging with him. We've been hanging all day today. Not that he's been with me (I had to move the computer into the dining room), he's teasing the dogs through the window and tearing paper. Good thing I'm not a total stickler for clean, cause there is paper all over the dining room at this point.

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Judy is right, he is warming up to you very nicely. :) I sit next to my greys cage at lunch time and even though my wife is his love muffin, he has gotten to where he enjoys me giving him scratches through the bars and rubbing his beak and he will rub his head around guiding my finger. But, I must be careful, because if I miss any body language that he is done, he can spin that head around faster than a speeding light beam like exorcist and nail me. I don't mean to imply this will happen to you, just passing on things I must watch for. :)


I think a tree stand in your office would be great. That's what I did as well, although I cannot take him in my parrots in during work hours because they carry on too much and customers complain. :P

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I do watch him very carefully. He's nipped kinda hard a few times, but not hard enough to really hurt, just like a warning. I just tell him to be nice and he gentles up nicely. Though I won't take that for granted. We are still getting to know him and what he likes and what he'll allow. Honestly, I'm going very slow because I don't want to get nipped hard enough to really hurt. Don't think I could be stoic enough not to make a scene! LOL


Yes! He loves me! But he loves hubby more. I'm watching him right now, and my hubby just got home from work. He hasn't taken his eyes off of him. LOL At least I get his love when it's just me and him together. I can handle that.

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DawnMM If your baby is scratching your fingers, even at different angles, he is showing "love". Even if hubby is favorite, ignore that fact. This is your opportunity to be added to your babies favorite! Continue to do what you are doing... NEVER accept your baby to love just one person. They can love many!

I am kinda bumbed, as Ryan is home( my son). ( of course not bumbed he is home! So happy!) I just know, Sophie will ignore me for the next two weeks, as he is the fun one! They are going to start rapping, she will focus on music, and not give me the time of day! LOL I'm okay with that. She's going to have fun, and call for me when she is scared. I'll be there for her, and she knows this. Nancy

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Can't afford a tree stand right now, so I'm making a PVC stand or two or three. I went to HomeDepot today and got what I might need and more.Buddy is hanging on the floor trying to eat my shoes. He's a sneaky little bugger! Already got my toe once. Can we say ouch?

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LOL - I personally say "No Bite" when a toe gets bitten on the rare occasion I don't notice he is going for one. Then I pick him up off the floor and sit him where I can see him. Of course that doesn't mean he won't fly right back to the floor, but I just retrieve him again and the cycle may continue a few iterations until he gives up. :P

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