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We brought Sam to visit with Filbert at the bird store this weekend.

He avoided a bit, but seemed OK with him. If the perch was longer, I'm sure there would've been more space between them, but I was happy with the interaction.

Here are some photos :-)

samfilbert 010.jpg

samfilbert 009a.jpg

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Filbert is still on formula 3X a day, so it's estimated sometime in June. Until then, we take Sam with us everytime we visit.

Sam also hangs out with a grey there, named Simon. Simon is about 10 months and he and Sam are really friendly towards each other.

We've seen such positive changes in Sam since bringing him into the store to socialize with birds and lots of people.

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Here I came in to find out about feeding our parrots filbert nuts. LOL. Your Filbert is much more interesting and entertaining. What an awesome pair. I love the designer look where one is bright the other is grey on their opposite body feather parts. Filbert's bright crest gives him panache, he is rockin' the mohawk look. I love how you are introducing them and preparing for a peaceful coexistance in your home. Great photos, thanks.

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I keep coming back to look again too. Ya'll really need to quit being so wonderful with your photos and descriptions of other birds because I am getting weaker against the multiple bird syndrome. What a beautiful pair these two will make in your home.

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