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whats the best way to bond with my african grey


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First, you simply have to make friends with the baby bird. Feeding, talking, being near the bird, letting the bird know it's surroundings, not forcing the bird to do things you want him to do especially when bringing home a bird that more than likely was weaned too quickly. You should make sure that your bird becomes a family bird. Bonding with just one person in a house is a very bad idea. The family should be involved with the baby from day 1.

Bonding takes many, many months and there's no guarantee that the bond will remain just with you. That's why a bird should be a family bird.

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Dave is so right, it takes lots of time and much patience on your part to gain the trust of a grey, you have to earn their trust. Sit by the cage and talk to your baby, read them a book, the newspaper or whatever you want, just spend time letting him get to know you, offer treats and open the cage and allow him to come out on his own when he is ready, never force yourself on him, let him decide when he wants you to pet or touch him. Get the rest of the family in on the interaction letting them take turns having him step up to them for what Dave says about socialization is correct, a grey can easily become a one person bird but it is more desirable for him to be able to go to any member of the family.

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Just whistle a little tune! But also do what Dave n Judy suggest. Greys have contact calls in the wild. Most birds do. These are like names given by their parents. After seven years Misty and I still exchange his contact call when we are in hearing range but out of sight. I am convinced my picking up his call when he came to my home helped us bond. At that time he was no longer a baby like yours but the same principle applies.


Steve N Misty

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I dont get my chick till end of may, iv been doing as much reserch as i can, reading up on whats good for them and whats not but if theres eny other tips and advice what you think i should know please reply thank you all very much xxxxx

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Patience, kindness, acceptance, and open-hearted love are essential to developing a good relationship. Dominance, harsh words or tone, and control will not work. This process takes a long time. I hope your house is peaceful and nurturing. These creatures are smart and sensitive, so you must be consistent with good emotions because they remember. Let your bird tell you what he is ready for and accept it. Good luck. What an exciting adventure! We are here for you on the forum.

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