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:( I posted two weeks ago about Willow hurting herself after a fall. I took her to the vet and they sedated her to clean it up and make sure the bone wasn't broken. She never woke back up. I am devistated and can't help but think that this is all my fault. I can't believe this happened and that she is gone. Again, please be careful if you have clipped birds.
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This isn't your fault, It's a known fact that whenever a bird is sedated it's a 50/50 chance at best, it's a new science, it can also happen if their wings are not clipped! You can't blame yourself, please believe me...There's another baby out there waiting for you if and when you feel the time is right....

Jay, Maggie, Spock and the flock

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I am so so sorry that Willow is gone from your life. This is such a crushing and painful loss for you. It may be irrational to think you are at fault but I understand because even when lab work came back to prove that an illness killed our baby and there is nothing we could have done to help, the pain of the loss is still raw for us long after the little light of our life is at peace. I hope it helps to know all of us care and time does help to ease the powerful grief you are feeling. Willow had someone who loved her deeply and there are some that haven't had that comfort and care in their life. You will find a way to come to your own peace and acceptance of Willow's absence and when you can, please come tell us about her happy times with you and about ways she brightened your life. Also, you will know what is meant to be and when you are ready you may find a way to bring another parrot home and it will be an honor to the memory of your Willow.

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:( I posted two weeks ago about Willow hurting herself after a fall. I took her to the vet and they sedated her to clean it up and make sure the bone wasn't broken. She never woke back up. I am devistated and can't help but think that this is all my fault. I can't believe this happened and that she is gone. Again, please be careful if you have clipped birds.

omg Im so sorry :( that is just heartbreaking for sure .... (((hugs)))

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Thanks everyone. It is nice to have a place to come where people understand. Most people think it's silly as it was "just a bird". We are devastated! It is hard not to blame myself when, looking back, there were other things I could have done to insure her safety. My husband suggested we get another. I told him that would be like if he died and I just went out the next day and got a new husband. She is irreplaceable. She was such a good, sweet girl and I miss her very much.

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We fully understand how you fell about Willow and she is irreplaceable but that doesn't mean that you can never have another grey, not to replace her but to give the love to that you obviously had for Willow, she would want you to share your life with another grey and the day will come that you will be open to that possibility, sometimes when one door closes another one will open, take your time to grieve her loss and when you are ready you might be surprised at what you will find.

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Guest Jocelyn

I feel so bad for you, but you cant blame yourself! You did everything you could for her by taking her to the vet...

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