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My wife and I put a deposit down on a 3 week old Timneh Grey just last week. We are very excited and July can't come soon enough! We've been researching greys for the past year or so and now that finances are together and research is done, we took the leap!


We live in Austin, TX and currently are the proud parents of two dogs, five cats, a ferret, five corn snakes and a green cheek conure. Yes, it's a veritable zoo and I'm quite sure we'll end up on that animal hoarders show soon! But we love all of our rescues and wouldn't have it any other way.


Sam, our green cheek, has been with us for two years now and she is an absolute delight. She absolutely loves to torture the cats and deliberately splashes her water on them when they come near her cage. We are looking forward to getting our Timneh home to join our flock!


I've already found tons of great info on this board so thanks for the help already!



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Welcome and congrats!! Do you get to visit your new addition? Can't wait to see him/her! I am owned by 1 grey, 1 b&g macaw, 4 dogs, 1 cat, 3 indoor fish and 13 koi. Oh, and 2 ducks who think our pool is their very own personal pond. (and a squirrel named stumpy who now comes for the peanuts i pull from the birdseed!) Hoarders unite! Lol

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We are going to try and visit a few times but the breeder is 6 hours away in Louisiana so it will probably only be two or three times before we got pick her up. Unfortunately we were unable to find anyone nearby that had Timneh's. I'm very pleased though because our breeder we chose is very helpful and has answered all of our questions quickly with pictures of the baby to boot!

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We are going to try and visit a few times but the breeder is 6 hours away in Louisiana so it will probably only be two or three times before we got pick her up. Unfortunately we were unable to find anyone nearby that had Timneh's. I'm very pleased though because our breeder we chose is very helpful and has answered all of our questions quickly with pictures of the baby to boot!


awww well that is good that your breeder will provide you pics :D that will help! congrats ... the process seems forever and a day but its well worth it

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Hello Ryan, welcome to the forums. You're lucky you can have all these lovely animals around you, wish my wife can allow me :( Not a fan of snakes though, they scare me to death. I can tell you that African Greys are awesome in every way :)

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