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Hot Breakfast


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wondering if there are other bird moms/dads out there who fix their guys hot breakfast on cold mornings? I started with brown rice and now they sort of expect it....they give me the "what???? no hot breakfast?" look, so I'll make them some oatmeal or corn meal or whatever we have time for.

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We give herbie warm sweetcorn, which he seems to love. The cold mornings have not hit London yet, but when they do it sounds a great idea to give him a warm breakfast. We have not tried rice, will give that a go. My girlfriend gave him some Spaghetti Bolognese last week which went down very well. Which surprised me as I've tried her cooking ;) Thanks for the tip nancy.

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I gave Beckette a scrambled egg (microwaved) mixed with a seedless bird mix from parrot on the porch. She loved it!!! I've also given her homemade birdie bread warmed in the microwave which she enjoys. I have been cutting back on the seed and she is getting much more real food. and she is actually a lot more open to eating something she hasn't seen before. if I sprinkle sesame seeds on it she will try it.

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Well, we used to for Dayo when we first brought him home. We cooked Oatmeal, Baby Foods of all types etc. and he loved it.


After about 4 weeks he stopped wanting it.


Whats funny is everytime we nuke something in the Microwave or cook something he gets very excited and acts like he is starving, then he might try a spoonful or just look at it and walk away.

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Finnigan gets warm soaked pellets (soaked in apple juice and water) along with a mash of cooked veggies and pastas in the morning. He gets cut up fresh veggies and fruits in the afternoon and a warm sweet potatoe mash with more soaked pellets in the evening. He has regular seed and pellet mix available all day as well. We change it up with oatmeal or cream of wheat or anything like that for the morning and evening meals and he and Loki (B&G) always get whatever we are eating for dinner. Very Spoiled!:)

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i dont think i have ever witnessed roxy eating her pellets. shes just tosses them to my jack russel who enjoys them instead. i bet you soaking them/ turning them to mush would seem much more appetizing to her. i'm going to try it. thanks for the idea christina

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Guest briansmum

i don't bother with a warm breakfast because brian isn't bothered about his breakfast he just wants to get out! he loves sunflower seeds and thats about all he will stop to eat on a morning so he gets a few in his breakfast dish. he gets porridge, baby food or his birdy omlette through out the week at dinner or supper times to add variation and of course some of whatever i'm eating. so lots of warm food, just not on a morning :P

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  • 6 months later...
Guest Skuffy

Any-1 seen the Frozen friut in the store...Fruit you make smoothy with...Any good for a Grey..?B)

Seens a good idea,,thought id ask b4 i try it.? :whistle:

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I use the frozen fruit to add to fresh fruit. I chop up some apple or pear and mix it through. I just take a handful from the bag and defrost it in the microwave. Bulk it up with other fruits and divide it among them.


The only problem is the mess defrosted raspberries make when they fling them :(

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Guest Skuffy

Morning/aftern00n..:) I got him some frozen fruit, yes he likes it,but i still pref the fresh..I gave Max Oatmeal this morning mixed with warm water and small chopped apple, There was a ceral Bar to munch on aswell...Atm am trying Max with all kinds to see what he likes because only having him for 1 mth am not sure on his food intake yet...But where learning together...:cheer: {Nature-00020095} <------Marks trying his best,we will work it out...hahahaha

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