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Cussing Bird


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Fergie never stops amazing me. This morning I got up at 9:30a let her out, talked to her, the usual good morning, and went in to make coffee, she had gone back into her cage to get a bit of food, the wife not knowing I just let her out, thinking she was out all night walks up closes the door, Fergie says B**ch, now I haven't cussed around her, so apparently someone has cussed around her, But its just amazing how she knew what word to say. I had to contain my laughter, so as not to make the wife more ticked off, but she really took it well.

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Thanks for sharing. Our guy Gilbert has been having great dramatic use of the less acceptable version of crap. He may have heard it elsewhere because he is saying other things from his journey to a few other homes before ours. However, I am quite sure I am the one who reminded him. My husband and daughter were caught by surprise and I chased them on the back porch and closed the door and they were still laughing. Now he knows when my husband travels the best way to greet him on his return home is to drop the S-bomb. I am trying to think of a way to put my husband in time out because he can not keep a straight face and just walk away from the room and I know he loves getting a laugh out of Gilbert. I am sure Fergie waited patiently for the exact opportunity to use her shocker. Surprisingly, it is a whole lot funnier at your house than mine. Just kidding of course, Gilbert has been the talk of the town.

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They are too smart for their own good but it is uncanny how she knew the right time to say that word, its all in the way it was spoken and like in Dee's case if it gets a reaction then they will use it more often for the pure enjoyment. Time to have a word or two with the stepdaughters so no more of these types of words are heard by Fergie's tender little ears, as much for her benefit as the girls for you will know who to come to if any more are heard.

Sorry but I laughed too when I read this, clever girl.

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Guest Jocelyn

This is something that both amuses me and concerns me, me and the hubby both fight loudly (never phsically just erm. loudly, I am a rather loud open person), we are both concerned about having a grey thats going to be dropping the f bomb all the time. Or you know repeating things you say about the inlaws when the inlaws are over, or imitating intimate things. Does that ever happen ?

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Be warned! Greys cannot be relied upon to keep secrets! I have even heard of a case where one exposed a cheating spouse. This lead to a divorce and a homeless parrot!


Steve n Misty


If I were the spouse that was being cheated on I would have kept the bird!! LOL!



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This is something that both amuses me and concerns me, me and the hubby both fight loudly (never phsically just erm. loudly, I am a rather loud open person), we are both concerned about having a grey thats going to be dropping the f bomb all the time. Or you know repeating things you say about the inlaws when the inlaws are over, or imitating intimate things. Does that ever happen ?


Yes you should be concerned. They can and will learn everything and anything you don't want them to including any sounds they hear.

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Guest Jocelyn
Yes you should be concerned. They can and will learn everything and anything you don't want them to including any sounds they hear.


LOL I assumed as much, I agree I would keep the Grey who let it known the spouse was cheating ;) The noises thing would be mortifying we shall have to think long and hard about how to get around that

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Many years ago I took in an amazon that was about 12 years old. The amazon's cage was across from the mans bedroom. One morning I woke up to hear some interesting sounds, including a squeaky bed spring, coming from the dining room. I was the only one home. I laughed like crazy. You don't know how tempted I was to call the former owner and just let him listen.

LOL I assumed as much, I agree I would keep the Grey who let it known the spouse was cheating ;) The noises thing would be mortifying we shall have to think long and hard about how to get around that
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Yeah, our FIDs are waaaaayyy smarter than most people realize, I just hope it doesn't become a regular thing, LOL. I have heard the rumor bout the grey who told on the cheating spouse always wondered if it was true or just a wives tale, no pun intended,.

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All greys repeat and also repeat secrets. I curse like a sailor. I just make sure I never curse around my grey. If I need to curse, it is always in the garage, away from birds. Noone is allowed to curse in front of Sophie. Her potty mouth was once saying " asshole". She said it once. Nancy

LOL my former father-in-law has a quaker, there was a death in the family so we had some family from out of town staying at their house, one of them was a VERY VERY devout Pentecostal Aunt, I had to sleep on the couch in the living room, as she would be deeply offended if I was sleeping in the same room as my Fiance, anyway the quaker was covered in the kitchen, I could hear him, wanting to be uncovered but the Aunt was busy making breakfast for the family, and I was laying there waiting till the others got up as that's what they instructed me to do, anyway the bird was getting ticked, she finally uncovered the bird and he said A-hole, she became so upset she left and went a hotel, wouldn't step foot back in the house as she claimed the bird "had the devil in him". she has been invited over numerous times but she always asks if the bird is still there and says no thanks this had been over 10 yrs ago.

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Guest Jocelyn
LOL my former father-in-law has a quaker, there was a death in the family so we had some family from out of town staying at their house, one of them was a VERY VERY devout Pentecostal Aunt, I had to sleep on the couch in the living room, as she would be deeply offended if I was sleeping in the same room as my Fiance, anyway the quaker was covered in the kitchen, I could hear him, wanting to be uncovered but the Aunt was busy making breakfast for the family, and I was laying there waiting till the others got up as that's what they instructed me to do, anyway the bird was getting ticked, she finally uncovered the bird and he said A-hole, she became so upset she left and went a hotel, wouldn't step foot back in the house as she claimed the bird "had the devil in him". she has been invited over numerous times but she always asks if the bird is still there and says no thanks this had been over 10 yrs ago.

LOL Another reason to get a Grey, the inlaws wont visit :rolleyes:

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I feel a lot better about the occasional slip up from Gilbert now. I have to admit when I got my first parrot, my mother in law said she was never going to visit my house as long as we had a bird in the house because she wigs out if a bird flies near her. I said "well, why couldn't she have told us that twenty years ago, if I knew it was that beneficial to me, I could have ten parrots by this time". The truth is, I protect my parrots from people, not so much the other way around. I promise I won't teach my parrots any wickedness though.

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Guest Jocelyn

We live in a zoo literally I think, our inlaws use to do the same thing, until one day I looked at my sister in law who had just said I have cat allergies, and I said guess we wont be seeing much of you then I have 3 cats! Unfourtunatly her reply was then I will take allergy medication... She is terrified of the Ratties though.

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I am lucky so far Biscotti only knows 1 minor cuss word & I have no one to blame but myself. I went 2 1/2 yrs without him learning any bad words then one evening I dropped a half full glass and said "oh crap". Well, I didn't think much about it at the time but the very next day I heard him beating up a toy in his cage & it fell to the bottom, and he promptly said "Oh Crap!!" I had to go in the bathroom so he couldn't hear me laughing!

I have been very careful since then but I still hear it once in a while, usually when he drops something! I can't believe he made the connection with the dropped glass & the cuss word! They are just too smart, watch what you say!

Edited by chelseaB
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