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Clipped Wings


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I have been very unsure about to clip or not too clip. After reading many of the post I would like for Whitney too be able to fly but.......the breeder clipped her before I put my deposit on her. I would like to know about how long does it take for her feathers to grow out? Breeder did not clip her before I picked her up she told me to bring her back if she started to fly(did not tell her I want her to be able to fly, just didn't want to get into that debate), she also gave me an Aviator Harness @ leash(brand new) which I thought was nice. I will start introducing the harness to her right away, just want to know about her flight feathers since she has been clipped the one time. Thanks

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I am very happy to hear you are going to allow your baby to fly!!! It can take 6 mos. to a year depending on the clipping that was done. Don't worry, my 3 birds were all clipped (not my choice either) when they were babies, and they fly everywhere throughout my house, and they master their skills it over time.

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Why is it that breeders automatically think we want our babies clipped, we have heard this story over and over again with other members and their baby greys?

Penny is right, it can take up to a year for all the flight feathers to molt out and be replaced as they do it in stages but so glad to hear you will allow Whitney to fly.

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If allowing her to fly is going to be the best thing for her safety, mental and physical well being then I think this is the best decision for me and my baby. I will have to get myself and my children to be cautious about things. Funny thing is I had already made a decision to keep her wings clipped, but that was before I got her into my own home. When I look over at her in her cage and on her play stand I think this is now her home and I want her to enjoy it.

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Lucky you. I can tell this baby wants to fly, she stood on the cage door and watched what was going on in the dining area and next thing we knew she tried to fly over, and I was in the kitchen she could not see I when I came back she was walking around the living room floor,lol.

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