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Gracie's First Words


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I was off work this week as our school was on a break. After feeding Gracie breakfast on Tuesday I decided to take a nap on the couch next to her cage for an hour or so since I didn't need to go to work. I left Gracie out of her cage figuring she would be fine. I was asleep for a bit when I was awoken by Gracie flying over me three or four times. She did an aerial figure 8 --into the living room-and back to her cage. I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep. She chirped and squawked and flew for about ten minutes. Then everything got quiet and she suddenly said--as clear as day-- "STEP UP!". Now, I have no idea if there was any meaning in that, but I just had to laugh out loud because she did seem to have the agenda of rousing me from my nap and that was quite an appropriate way to express it. As I posted earlier she has been practicing a lot of pre-speech lately, so I knew some words would come soon. I was hoping it would be "I love You" (which I practice with her ad-nauseum) rather than "step up", but I guess we can't choose. She hasn't said anything since, but it was a thrill to hear actual English words (2 words!) come out of her beak! I'm a proud Dad.

Edited by JeffNOK
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That is great! I am a believer that she knew just what she was asking of you. Did you step up for her? Hahaha. LOL, I bet you came bolt upright with glee. I love that she is tuned in to you and finds ways to capture your attention and your heart.

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Oh boy the floodgates are open now and you will hear lots of new words and phrases so just watch out. I love the fact that she wouldn't let you get your full nap in, how dare you ignore her to take a nap when you could have been giving her your full attention, love it.

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It makes me wonder what exactly was my Greycie's first words. I got her when she was about 5-6 months(July 2007), and she started talking if I remember right way before she was 1. She started saying Hello and "I Love You" I know those were her first two. But she's not always so cute. She has picked up some cursing, but that is completely my fault. I have a habit of yelling "SHIT" when I mess up or drop something. So now when Greycie is climbing and she slips or falls she yells SHIT. The same if she drops something. When she gets mad at me, when I'm not giving her exactly what she wants. She says SHIT then keeps calling me BAD over and over, heh heh.

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