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Whitney has been home a week now. She plays, preens and whistles. She even comes to the front of the age when she sees me. She does not seem to be interested in food other then her seed mix. Should I be worried? Also she falls so much(well it seems like a lot to me) I am worried that she will hurt herself. Any suggestions?

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If she's falling in her cage you can try moving the perches lower. If your home you can also put a folded towel in the bottom as a cushion but watch that her nails don't get stuck on the loops. If you need even more cushion I think you could use the new biodegradeable packing peanuts that are made of 100% corn starch. Care should be taken so that those packing peanuts aren't being eaten but the same can be said for towels, carpeting or anything else you could use as padding.

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Greys are very clumsy when young. As wingy suggested, keep perches low and bedding or even towels on the bottom to cushion falls as they occur. Your grey will climb all over that cage and fall from various heights sometimes. If you do place towel on the bottom, they can easily be shaken out and washed when soiled. IN regards food, just keep preparing and offering various veggies, beans, fruits etc. slice em, dice em, serve raw, serve cooked etc. They will slowly try each item and days they will eat one or a few pieces, then the next day they will ignore that item and eat something else. You'll learn this as you go.

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Ok I will keep giving her different foods and trying the same ones. I didn't realize I needed to either pad the bottom of the cage or put the perches low I thought that was for very young babies. Thank you all so much. I don't want her to get hurt so I will make some changes to her cage ASAP. I should have known after all she is only 41/2 mths. She does move all over her cage, inside and out, lol.

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If you have some old towels or blankets they would fine to use so no need to buy anything if you an help it for it will only be for a short period of time until she gets more adept at perching and climbing but I highly recommend putting down newspaper on top as it will help keep the padding from getting so dirty so quickly as it can be changed frequently.

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Blanket was only $6, and I covered it with newspaper. Guess what, no falls since I padded the cage, lol. Let me give an update: Whitney does not seem to like my 15 year old son unless he is picking her up off the floor or offering fruit other than that she growls at him, I told him don't stop talking and offering treats he may not be her favorit but she will learn to deal with him when needed, next- I am making the 15 bean mix and brown rice for her, but so far she has only like sweet potatoe fries and regular fries, no veggies no rice or pasta. Last thing I got the Aviator Harness on her today, she didn't like it but oh well we will at it.

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Sorry but I forgot to ask, I read on a previous post to soak the beans overnight but the package has a quick cook method which is cooking them for a couple oh hours. Please tell me that this is ok because I have a pot of beans that I didn't soak overnight but I followed the quick method.

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Blanket was only $6, and I covered it with newspaper. Guess what, no falls since I padded the cage, lol. Let me give an update: Whitney does not seem to like my 15 year old son unless he is picking her up off the floor or offering fruit other than that she growls at him, I told him don't stop talking and offering treats he may not be her favorit but she will learn to deal with him when needed, next- I am making the 15 bean mix and brown rice for her, but so far she has only like sweet potatoe fries and regular fries, no veggies no rice or pasta. Last thing I got the Aviator Harness on her today, she didn't like it but oh well we will at it.
you arent "frying" the fries right? keep offering all the things she "isnt" eating right now to her. I havent gotten marco to like sweet potatos yet but I keep tryin and I hide them in like birdie bread LOL :D marco dont like my boys either she definately growls and nips at them and like you I just keep saying "keep trying" but at the same time, dont push it and read her body language.


Sorry but I forgot to ask, I read on a previous post to soak the beans overnight but the package has a quick cook method which is cooking them for a couple oh hours. Please tell me that this is ok because I have a pot of beans that I didn't soak overnight but I followed the quick method.
I would think as long as you cleaned them really well b4 cooking the quick method would be ok :)
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Sorry but I forgot to ask, I read on a previous post to soak the beans overnight but the package has a quick cook method which is cooking them for a couple oh hours. Please tell me that this is ok because I have a pot of beans that I didn't soak overnight but I followed the quick method.


I've done both. New beans respond well to the quick cook method but older beans can be tough. Tough beans aren't bad or harmful its just that the skins aren't tender but will usually soften up if cooked longer. When cooking the bean mix sample 2 of the thickest beans to make sure it is soft completely through.

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Oh No, I came home today and found three large feathers in Whitney's cage. She has been home for two weeks and seems to be fine. Now that I think about it I misted her twice with a water bottle the last time was yesterday morning, and she hated it. Could she have disliked it so much that it would cause her to pluck? Also I noticed yesterday that her feathers seemed to be out of place so I tried to straighten them out but she really didn't want me to touch them. Please advice! Thanks

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