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I got a call from my breeder that Whitney (pretty sure that's going to her name) is ready to come home this weekend. I Am going to pick her up on Saturday. I am both excited and nervous. Hope you guys don't mind answering questions,lol. I will go back and read the stickys, they offer so much information. Thanks

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Oh wow you are going to have a Christmas weekend with Whitney coming home, this will be the start of a whole new beginning to the rest of your life. It is normal to be both excited and nervous but you will do fine if you just relax and take it slow, don't hesitate to ask questions and I hope you will share some pics after she gets settled in.

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Congrats on the big day!! Only 2 more days :) my best advice is try to just be calm when you bring her home because you dont want to pass any anxiety or excitement you may have onto her. I thought I would just burst bringing my Chickie home, but before I went in and get her I calmed myself down and just went in and got her and then talked to her the whole way home. Just follow your instincts and you'll do fine :)

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This is such an exciting time and brings back the happiest memories. It is a little scary at first. We had visited and held our baby since he was six weeks old, but that was always with his breeder near us. Coming home is a big change for your little one but if you take it slow, get advice from her breeder and let her take it all in at her own pace, in a couple of days you will be sharing a wonderful journey. The last day to wait is the hardest! It is so close. Congratulations!

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Thank you everyone. I am happy to have all of you to share this whole experience with. I smiled to read your replies and see that you guys are really excited for me and my baby. Well anyway the breeder called she is going out of town on Saturday sooooo instead I get get to bring Whitney home tomorrow evening!!! Why do I have a sudden usage to clean the house and browse the Internet for anything I may be missing Whitney? How am I going to sleep tonight?

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LMAO you arent !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didnt and the day dragged on for sure that Friday I went n picked up Marco 3 weeks ago! geeze I cant believe its been almost a month now :D You will have so much fun I cant waiiiiiiiiiiit to hear about your first night with your new baby :D :D :D

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OH my gosh, she is beautiful. I have only had her a few hours but she came out of her travel cage on her own and just walked around then climbed up on my daughter who was sitting on the floor. She seems to like her cage, she is climbing all around and playing with a toy as well as in the water dish. I see my girl likes apples and oranges. This is great!!! The breeder gave me tons of info to read, she is awesome. If I run into a problem where she needs to come to us she is more than willing, she says that she is willing to stop in and trim nails when she is on my side of town. So much to share with you guys,lol.

Oh Whitney seems to really like her boing! Thank You Wingy, that is too cute!


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I mentioned in another post that my baby seemed to be taking a while to be weaned, especially after reading that Aerial's baby was home before mine, and mine was hatched 11/13/11 and Aeriels not until some time in December well guess what I was wrong her hatch certificate has her hatch date as 12/16/11. I got 11/13/11 from the breeders list she had on bird breeders.com, needless to say that baby on the site was not mine that was just a list of what she had. Silly me, getting my baby's hatch date wrong and worring about why everyone else baby was coming home before mine and mine was older. Oh well you guys can start laughing at me now, I know I did when I saw her certificate.

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I laughed when I read about your sudden urge to try to clean and prepare for you new arrival. That's classic nesting behavior of a new mommy and even more appropriate as the flock leader. LOL. The homecoming sounds just wonderful and I have to admit, I forgot my own wedding date a year later and had to engrave it inside my ring so that wouldn't happen again. You are entitled to the excitement and delight that you are enjoying with Whitney and the rest of your family. Enjoy this magical time with your sweet little girl. The picture is just adorable. Thanks.

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Whitney seems to be adjusting well, better than what I expected. How did this little bird know that this was her stuff?lol she is comfortable with her both her cage and play stand. I see that she eats her seed mix(given to us from the breeder) and apples and oranges as well as drinks her water. I gave her a hard boiled egg with shell, toast, pancake and a little piece of cheese, she did ok with all, so last nighti made pasta and mixed vegetables she didn't seem to be impressed at all. Maybe I need to try a different type of mixed veggies. I have to tell everyone I am having a blast this weekend just sitting and watching and talking to her. By the way she has made my children 18, 15 and 8 fall in love with her. They are just as excited as I am. Hope the newness doesn't go away, I want them to have a relationship with her as well. Here is Whitney:089b3949.jpg

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I mentioned in another post that my baby seemed to be taking a while to be weaned, especially after reading that Aerial's baby was home before mine, and mine was hatched 11/13/11 and Aeriels not until some time in December well guess what I was wrong her hatch certificate has her hatch date as 12/16/11. I got 11/13/11 from the breeders list she had on bird breeders.com, needless to say that baby on the site was not mine that was just a list of what she had. Silly me, getting my baby's hatch date wrong and worring about why everyone else baby was coming home before mine and mine was older. Oh well you guys can start laughing at me now, I know I did when I saw her certificate.

lol i was a little worried that you had said your baby was hatched in nov too but :) they ween in their own time and thats what I just thought :) but im glad you found out differently! our babies are just about the same exact age. thats cool :D isnt it just so amazing to have her home? dont give up on the food choices keep giving her those good foods, one time marco wont touch corn next time she tore it up so ... :D

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