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Who's Buddy's favorite human???


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My hubby for sure. We got proof tonight.

First, Buddy's whole attitude changes when my hubby comes home. He let's me pet his beak and feet through the cage but nothing else. He's nice to me when I feed him and clean his cage. But then my hubby gets home and he gets excited. Only word for it. He gets really animated and happy. Then today. I open the door and he comes out. I get him to step up for me so we can talk and hang, then whoosh, he's gone! He flies right toward the hubby in the kitchen trying to fix his dinner. "Head's up!" (this is the second time he's flown to him, but I thought he was startled the first time...nope) LOL I tell hubby to go ahead and hang with Buddy and I will fix dinner. When I go over to just talk to Buddy, he practically runs up his arm. Yup. He luuuuvvvvvs my hubby. My hubby can touch him, skritch him. I can only touch his beak and feet through the cage and he will step up for me. At least Buddy is nice to me and not outright mean. :D


With his previous parronts, the woman was his fav. He wouldn't even step up for her hubby...and called him a schmuck. LOL


My hubby is not sure what to do. I'm not too sure how he'll take it if Buddy shows his love with regurgitation. I don't think he'll be too impressed. LOL I'm trying to teach him, but since I'm still learning myself it is difficult. I really wish hubby would read the books...it would save a lot of time. :rolleyes:


Oh well. I have brought up getting a baby, but that is a no go for now. I'll keep working on him. LOL

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Thats how it is sometimes, they go for the one who doesn't have as much interest in them but you can have a good relationship with Buddy especially when hubby is not around, you can interact with him more then, he may never come to accept you as well as he does your hubby but it is what it is. I know another couple that the wife got the birds and the grey loves her hubby and just tolerates her but she has accepted that is the way it is, thankfully my grey is bonded to me but she will give my hubby kisses at times. Who knows you may not always have to settle for second fiddle as sometimes their preferences can change.

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Guest Jocelyn

With my luck that is what will happen with our Grey. The hubby already jokes about it. We have an entire zoo at home and all but 2 like me better and will not give the hubby the time of day.

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kallie is the same way!!! her first home was with an older woman that bought her as a baby. no men lived in the home! well, she passed away and the family, with their own health issues, couldn't keep any of this woman's birds. getting kallie was my idea and my husband was loving enough to let me do it. boy was he surprised when kallie decided that he is the be all, end all of her universe!!!! kallie likes me well enough, i take care of the cage, food, toys, etc. she lets me touch her feet and give her head and cheek rubs, especially at night at bed time. but she's a totally different girl when her daddy comes home than when her mommy comes home, lol!!!! she's soo excited when he comes home, she practically dances!! for me, it's more of a "oh its you, hi"! it hurt at first, but this is the reality of it, so i'm fine with it now. birds make their own choices of a favorite person, we don't, hahahaha!!!!

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Fergie, is the same way she digs me the most, then my daughter, she is a bird person, she has a bunch of doves, her and I are the two people she lets pet her, but my daughter only visits, my wife and my other 2 stepdaughters she treats way different, as they are somewhat afraid of her, but we are working on it

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Don't worry. My husband enjoys a really great relationship with our grey, even though he is not the "favorite." He can scratch him, turn him upside-down, give and get kisses, carry him around, and all kinds of stuff. You can too! Sometimes, Brutus even prefers my husband, like in the morning. Brutus definitely learns most of his vocabulary from my husband. It is funny, because he will sit in rapt attention while Larry talks. I joke that Brutus pushed "record" during those times. Today he is perfecting Larry sneezing and saying "sorry." SOOO funny!

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LOL It does sort of hurt, considering I am the one that wanted him and I do all his chores for him, and I am the one stressing over getting him on a better diet and etc. But I knew it was a possibility. All of our animals love my hubby. Even my chihuahua is a little traitor some days! LOL He does let me touch him at least and he does step up for me. Especially in the evening he is more tolerant I've found to my touching and near skritching...I've only gotten to do one good skritch. He does kiss me through the cage. Lately he's been licking my fingers a lot? Not sure what that is about. But as long as he's not biting we are all good!


Regardless of who his favorite person is, I love him. I will continue to do his chores, and shower him with all the love he will allow me.


Today, I must go out and de-skunk my dogs and our backyard. Our house still has hint of skunk in it. Didn't seem to bother Buddy too much, thank goodness. He was very nice and very curious when we had the plumbers clear our kitchen pipes the other day. Not shy at all...made his noises, talked a little. He's a good boy, and maybe he will change his preference. Who knows. I am searching all over for ideas for play stands to put all around the house for Buddy. Found some great hanging ones that I'd love to build, but Adam doesn't want anything hanging from the ceiling. I'll be changing that as floor space is limited. I'll prove it to him.


Thanks y'all!

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DawnMM.. Greys will pick a favorite! Its normal for them! Ignore the behavior, continue to provide the diet and trust. Don't EVER accept their choice. Sophie 12 years later, Loves me as her mom. Ryan, her first favorite, off to college. Sean, her third favorite, LOVES his feet and wrestling friends. Sophie loves us all, for different reasons.

When push comes to shove... Sophie knows I am the " constant" in her life. Now... when Ryan comes home, she is thrilled... but always will seek me out! Nancy

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DawnMM.. Greys will pick a favorite! Its normal for them! Ignore the behavior, continue to provide the diet and trust. Don't EVER accept their choice. Sophie 12 years later, Loves me as her mom. Ryan, her first favorite, off to college. Sean, her third favorite, LOVES his feet and wrestling friends. Sophie loves us all, for different reasons.

When push comes to shove... Sophie knows I am the " constant" in her life. Now... when Ryan comes home, she is thrilled... but always will seek me out! Nancy


I'm glad this has worked for Nancy. Please accept their choice, don't question your Grey, this is very important for their mental stability. You never force anything on a Grey, He may not ever change his preference but he'll defiantly change his attitude towards you. You'll find out he'll let you do things he won't let others do. Your a Greyt parront, don't stop doing what your doing....Thank you Jay

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Quote Originally Posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

DawnMM.. Greys will pick a favorite! Its normal for them! Ignore the behavior, continue to provide the diet and trust. Don't EVER accept their choice. Sophie 12 years later, Loves me as her mom. Ryan, her first favorite, off to college. Sean, her third favorite, LOVES his feet and wrestling friends. Sophie loves us all, for different reasons.

When push comes to shove... Sophie knows I am the " constant" in her life. Now... when Ryan comes home, she is thrilled... but always will seek me out! Nancy


I think what Nancy means is a person should never give up just because they are not the chosen one. Don't allow a parrot to be a one person bird because every family member has something to contribute. At least that is how I take it.

Edited by Wingy
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Thank you Nancy and Jayd. If he keeps hubby as his favorite, that is fine. If later he changes his mind that is fine also. We are working to keep him well-socialized. My children all talk to him. I have not had him step up for them yet, but plan to do so in the near future. My daughter has been able to pet his beak through the cage. He's a good boy and we all love him. Although this does open the door to eventually getting another CAG or TAG or maybe even a BH Caique in the future. ;)

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Your a good parront and very deserving. We don't know what causes our Greys to pick one or another, a example with Joe, I'm his choice but to a outside they may see it, Joe won't eat his smash from me if I try to feed him, only Maggie, but he won't take a treat from her, he'll let me spray him, but not her etc. But then, we live in our parrots home, not them in ours, their the boss the flock leaders, they let us know what they want, not the other way around and we never say no to them, we use other words to express that emotion. They didn't ask to be brought into captivity the smoke, the badged food , the noise and cages and the possible abuse. So Maggie and I love them all and cater to them. Spock was bonded to Maggie, but when I couldn't rise from bed he would fiy into my bed room and touch my cheek with his foot and say "I love you Papa, and Joe would say "see you later" to Maggie and she would ask "where you going? and Joe would answer "to see Papa" He would fly into the room and land on my shoulder and ask"How are you?".

To all please accept our Grey for what they are, "Wild Animals". Sit back and watch as they wonderfully explode their beautiful being before your very eyes and grace you with undeniable love, no mater who the have chosen.

Thanks Jay

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Greys can pick one owner. They tend to do so. I know this, and have spent alot of time for Sophie, to love our entire family. The family, has spent alot of time, to get her affection! She has NEVER been allowed to choose a favorite. LIFE, is NOT about Sophie, its about where she fits into our family! She knows this.

Once we established how our family works, Sophie, has taken over the animal kingdom, and makes fantastic decisions. If I don't like her decisions, It gets discussed. I know it sounds crazy... but it works for us. Nancy

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