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Mister Sneaky

Guest XxExoticPsychExX

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

So I woke up Sunday feeling awful. I had a stuffy nose, sore throat, the works.

However, Solomon woke up bright and early as usual so I got up, uncovered his cage and left it open.

He lives in the same room as I do and hasn't been flighted so he just stays on his cage doing whatever he wants. I had my door closed and locked, blinds down and I went straight back to bed and covered myself with blankets. I don't know when I fell asleep or why I woke up, but when I glanced up, there was Solomon standing contently on top of my side (I was sleeping on my right side). I was surprised to even find him there since I didn't wake up to the sound of flapping wings and my bed is a good 4-5 feet away from his cage across the room. I would think that if he tried flying it would be because something scared him, but then he would have crashed and burned. Well I picked him up and took him back to his cage so I could get some more sleep. It didn't happen again that day.


Now, yesterday was practically the same thing. I felt better, but still wasn't well enough to commute out to Chicago. This time, I woke up in time to witness Solomon climbing to the bottom of his cage, think about his next movements, carefully grasp the edge of the shelf beneath the grate of his cage with one foot, then grab with his beak, let go of the other foot, look down at the floor, place his beak on the floor, then do a kind of pushing off movement with one foot while delaying the removal of his other foot before ending up safely on my laminate floors. After he did this, he scoped the area and went straight to chomping on my shoe boxes (he doesn't like the shoes, just the boxes). After he toyed with that for a bit, he walked on over to by bed, grabbed what he could of my blanket with his beak, pulled himself up to get a grasp with his feet, and repeated. He looked like he was rock climbing on the side of my bed! He did this until he finally made it to the top.


He now does this every time he wants to get to my bed if I refuse to bring him over.

So much for teaching him to fly over! :P

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Solomon is quite resourceful. What I wouldn't give for my Gracie to do that. Every day like clock work I wake up at 6:45 and uncover her cage--change her papers and feed her. When I have a day off I take a nap on the couch next to her cage. She plays and squawks and has a grand old time, but she never comes over to me. I'm a little jealous Solomon is so determined to invade your space. Be thankful for those little irritations.

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Such a great story. Ozzy climbs up the bed the same way and it is cute to watch him blanket climb. I have never woke up to him watching me though. lol It is so cool how resourceful they can be when they want something. That was a great story thanks for sharing.

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That is a cute story, he was going on walkabout, thats what they do if they can't fly to where they want to go, mine would never do that because she is in her cage during the night until I let her out in the mornings but that is so endearing to hear he just wants to be with you, you should feel good about that.

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Guest candismalli

that is so sweet! Mine is a toe biter, I have a feeling if I took a nap & he got to me I would wake to him biting my toes, ol

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Okay, so who is more mysterious Solomon on his journey or you pretending to be asleep while you watch him traverse the distance between you? Haha, what a great story. I love that he wants to be with you and will work so hard to make that happen.

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX
Okay, so who is more mysterious Solomon on his journey or you pretending to be asleep while you watch him traverse the distance between you?


Lol! I really do love how he just wants to be with me. I don't always bring him to my bed though because sometimes he starts getting hormonal or will bite real hard if he wants attention while I'm doing homework next to him. Otherwise, he's on it most of the time with me.


The last time he tried climbing onto my bed, it looked like he was having some trouble grasping the blanket half way. I went to try and help him, but all he did was bite as if saying, "No, leave me alone. I got this!"

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  • 10 months later...
Guest XxExoticPsychExX

I've completely slacked on this, but here's a video of him actually doing it. It's from last year and I apologize for the horrible video quality in advance. :P




EDIT - or try this link if the one above doesn't work:

Edited by XxExoticPsychExX
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I LOVED the video of Solomon! What I LOVED the most, was not just his accomplishment, was the trust he had with you. He desired to be with you, felt the enviroment you provided was safe. Always watch the eyes. He desired to be with you, knew you provided him a safe enviroment and would meet his needs. THATS what makes a great parrent! Nancy

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