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Weeee Outside 2

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I havent been brave enuff to take her very far just our back yard then I was like OH trees ... then course all the "safe" wood is going thru my head lololol ... Im like ok I have an apricot tree, a mulberry tree and some apple trees which is on the safe list lol, I put her ontop of the clothes line thing but then saw all this "rust" on it so I was like OH SHOOT she cant be up there so had to get her down then saw the tree and was like ... hmmm maybe she'll sit there for me for a few shots! I think slowly shes starting to warm up to the outdoors and what it offers. The sunshine was just amazing in the upper 80s today just couldnt resist taking her out. Im sure your baby will love an outdoor aviary!!! I just like having that bonding time just me and her outside! maybe someday we'll venture to the park or something :D

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That's awesome. My hubby is my Buddy's fav human. He's nice to me only because I feed him and talk to him, and do all the things a good mommy does, but he prefers the hubby. LOL I keep trying to talk my hubby into a baby too, but it's a no go for now. One breeder in TX finally has baby CAGs, and I can't have one. :(

Oh well, that one would probably prefer my hubby too. LOL


Anyhoo, I think its just awesome that you can take him out, regardless that it's in the backyard, just the fact that you can do it and have that kind of bonding with her.

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awww I stressed out that Marco might bond with others in my family. and not that it would be bad, I would respect that situation but my kids are moving out soon maybe within the next few months and my hubby usually works late into the evening so it gives me well over 5 hours a evening/night to be with her alone and you can tell she really loves that. And when its bed time she waddles over the back of the couch and climbs on my shoulder puts her tail UP and her head DOWN and almost buries it in my neck lol. Which is kinda the whole reason I got her was cuz no ones home alot so it gives me something to do! I cant wait till I can start training her to do small things or tricks if you will :D


I know that Marco tolerates hubby cuz hes pretty persistant in attempting to pick her up. I let him take her off my shoulder at nite and put her in her cage for bed every night (hes home) she grumbles a bit but complies. She however has huge issues with my 2 boys lol. They try to pet her like you would a dog and I keep telling them not to that birds are more independant creatures, I imagine enuff nips and they might stop trying lol.


So then they go to teaching her words ... :rolleyes: wish shed nip them in the lip! I told them she best not cuss or Ima be angry (needless to say my boys are 18 n 17 .....) :mad: So we'll see. I just hope they arent home enough to influence her when she does start to talk.

Edited by aerial.2000
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That's too funny! My kids are 16, 14, 10, and 8. Buddy is learning all sorts of things! He'll be sprouting pokemon stuff if my 10 year old has anything to say about it, and cussing, yup.


She's adorable. I love Buddy, and he's starting to come out of his shell and has started playing with his toys and stuff, and he does let me pet his beak and feet through the cage and does step up for me. But you can see a total change in him when my hubby comes home from work. If Buddy comes out of his cage he will literally fly to wherever my hubby is at. Freaks the hubby out for sure! LOL It's a hoot. I just want him to do that for me! LOL


You have a sweet little girl there. Lot's of pics please!

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That's too funny! My kids are 16, 14, 10, and 8. Buddy is learning all sorts of things! He'll be sprouting pokemon stuff if my 10 year old has anything to say about it, and cussing, yup.


She's adorable. I love Buddy, and he's starting to come out of his shell and has started playing with his toys and stuff, and he does let me pet his beak and feet through the cage and does step up for me. But you can see a total change in him when my hubby comes home from work. If Buddy comes out of his cage he will literally fly to wherever my hubby is at. Freaks the hubby out for sure! LOL It's a hoot. I just want him to do that for me! LOL


You have a sweet little girl there. Lot's of pics please!

marco's been doing that lately if I dont respond to her calls cuz Im busy in the kitchen shes been flying in there to see what Im doing. The other day I looked down and she just came strutting in on the floor and all my dogs ran in different directions away from her HAHAHAHA it was soooo funny :D


She really likes being outside and she is cute as a button, I think you should venture further when you think she is more comfortable with it.
I will I really like taking the pics of her in the new situations n stuff lol I have more pics of her in 4 mo of her life then I do of my own kids lol but course you can put 1000 pics on a dang little card things are definately so much more different now then buying a roll a film and having it developed!


Very nice photos and she seems to be happy and smiling

I like to think she smiles alot too! :D

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