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Xandir update


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First test results:

Calcium 11.7

Phosphorous 4.4

Uric Acid 18.1


Retest results:

Calcium 0

Phosphorous 3.2

Uric Acid 7.6


His breeder has not yet spoken with the vet so she does not know why the calcium is listed as 0. But his Uric Acid, the important one, is WAY down. YAY!!!! If I have Monday off from work I'll be picking him up then, if not, then Tuesday. :o)

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Kim, you are really doing your homework and I admire your outlook. Your breeder is also to be commended. Our breeder was much the same way. After Juno passed away and his brother had surgery his breeder was going to keep him knowing what he had been through and realizing he needed special care. It was months before I knew I was ready to bring him home, give him a name, Kopi, and give him the best care. It took a lot for her to part with him but she was totally getting out of the breeding business after this clutch had serious health issues and I wanted to give him a chance. I don't regret for a moment the time I spent with these two special greys and it was a necessary part of my evolving to become ready to take Gilbert in and work to give him the best life he can attain. You are a pretty special person and my fingers are crossed for you and Xandir too!


Xandir gets to come home now but I'm going to be doing more "homework" :o) I will be contacting a few people, including my avian vet, to make sure I'm giving him the best long term care possible. Because of the vitamin D overdose he's on an all natural, supplement free, diet. That includes NO pellets. So I need to know what will be best for him going forward. Tina, his breeder, is an awesome lady. She has been wonderful through this whole thing. I have found that animal lovers are wonderful, special people, and I'm proud to be one. :o) Thank you!


Kopi has also passed? I think you are very special and one day Gilbert will know it. I love reading about him and I think you are doing a wonderful job. Do you have threads about Juno and Kopi? If you do I'll find, and read, them.



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I KNEW you would be bringing this baby home! LOL Calcium levels, and high uric acid, are common problems with a grey. Push the fluids, be slow to drain the water off of fresh fruits and veggies. New babies, tend not to drink as much. Provide baby with calcium alternatives. I'm happy your baby will be sixteen weeks when home. That is the absolute minimum, in my opinion. nancy

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kimjean... calcium level of zero, is inaccurate for some reason. No bird or human, has a calcium level of zero. I knew the high uric acid, would be an easy fix, but still always be cognitive, your bird may need extra fluids. Leave the fruit and veggie tray a little wetter. You are right on schedule. Sixteen weeks. Perfect! You're going to be a great parent. Nancy

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My girlfriend at work, gets kidney stones all the time. She HATES to drink water. I make her drink water daily! LOL! Now she needs her gallbladder removed, due to stones. Oh brother! My making her drink fluids for the past six months hasn't helped( beyond kidney stones!) Now I have to take care of her in July, for her first surgery ever. Nancy

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I was told it should get better, I hope so. :o) Sometimes his poops are almost nothing but clear fluid that's a little "thicker" than water. But last night they were a bit better, hope it's the same tonight. :o)



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Your baby is going to be just fine.Push the fluids.Kidney stones, are common. Don't let your bird know you are worried. When Sophie knew I was fretting about a feather, she wouldn't get rid of...she started limping! Kids knew I was starting to freak out... Told her to get rid of the feather... she did. Of course she is old enough to tease me. Yours is just a baby. Nancy

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Thank you Nancy. He drinks TONS of water, so his poops are REALLY wet. :o)



:)Hi Kim, you know you have to limit the fruit. It's sugar and goes straight through your baby doing no good, they end up eating fruit instead of solid food. Fruit creates a runny poop and that's the last thing you need. Fix your baby some pasta, we give cooked "Orzo" and raw "Whacky Mack" it's Rotini, that's made with beats[red] spinach[green] regular[tan] orange[tomato]. You can also give "Gnocchi" which is potato base[yum good]. Kim, the water isn't making his poop liquid, it's the fruit...... Luv-ya Maggie:D


Dave recommended "Gnocchi" when Spock was sick....

Edited by Spock
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So I just read through this thinking expecting some huge delay but... NOPE! Yay I don't know the whole story behind this little guy but it seems he is going to be a very very special Fid. All the human kids I know with issues at birth always turn out to be the best. I wish you and Xandir the best.

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:)Hi Kim, you know you have to limit the fruit. It's sugar and goes straight through your baby doing no good, they end up eating fruit instead of solid food. Fruit creates a runny poop and that's the last thing you need. Fix your baby some pasta, we give cooked "Orzo" and raw "Whacky Mack" it's Rotini, that's made with beats[red] spinach[green] regular[tan] orange[tomato]. You can also give "Gnocchi" which is potato base[yum good]. Kim, the water isn't making his poop liquid, it's the fruit...... Luv-ya Maggie:D


Dave recommended "Gnocchi" when Spock was sick....


Thank you Maggie. I actually have given him no fruit what so ever. None at all. :o) The only pasta I have given him so far is in his soak-n-serve, so I'll add more to his diet. I've never heard of "Gnocchi", off to research it. :o)



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Hi Kim and thanks, you can feed the pasta raw, it won't hurt them, most markets sell "Gnocchi" the sell it in the pasta section. There good with spaghetti sauce for us humans. Pasta is a food high in carbs, and helps reduce runny poop, it's not a cure all, but a possible aid. Try spaghetti etc, any pasta raw your baby might like... Maggie

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Hi Kim and thanks, you can feed the pasta raw, it won't hurt them, most markets sell "Gnocchi" the sell it in the pasta section. There good with spaghetti sauce for us humans. Pasta is a food high in carbs, and helps reduce runny poop, it's not a cure all, but a possible aid. Try spaghetti etc, any pasta raw your baby might like... Maggie


By "raw" do you mean dry and crunchy right out of the bag/box?



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By "raw" do you mean dry and crunchy right out of the bag/box?




Hi Kim, yes, right out of the box..lol Our Joe [and Spock] calls them "Good Nuts"......Ha Ha...It's cute to see them standing on 1 leg looking around crunching on them...lol All our fid's except the 'Tiels eat them....Thanks Maggie

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