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Xandir update


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Got the test results back and it's not the best news. With the test results I'm going to see if I can find anything out about possible long term damage/affects. His breeder, Tina, spoke with several vets and none seem to know what kind of long term issues he might have. The vet that tested wants to do an x-ray and to retest in a month. Tina has said it's up to me if I take him or not. If I don't she will keep him and I wait for the next clutch, and she doesn't even have eggs right now.


(FYI: just in case you don't remember it's because of the "bad" Kaytee formula)


Test results:

His calcium level was 11.7 (high but within normal??)

phosphorous level was 4.4 (within normal??)

Uric Acid was 18.1 (really high)



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Thanks Aerial. So far from what I've been able to find out odds are really good that he will be just fine. So I'm planning on bringing him home unless the re-test in a month shows otherwise. :o) This just means he will be a little older once I can bring him home and that's not really a bad thing. :o)



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Thanks Aerial. So far from what I've been able to find out odds are really good that he will be just fine. So I'm planning on bringing him home unless the re-test in a month shows otherwise. :o) This just means he will be a little older once I can bring him home and that's not really a bad thing. :o)



aww you are going to be a good Parront!

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Nancy ~ He's still with his breeder and needs a follow up blood test in 4 weeks. So I'm not making a decision on bringing him home or not until I see the results from that. It just means that he'll be at least 4 months old by the time I bring him home. :o)


Aerial ~ Thank you!



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Even if I decide right now that I want him no matter what I couldn't bring him home until after the re-test. So if that test indicates hghi risk for issues down the road then I'll need to wait for another baby. Even though I only met him once, and he wasn't mine then, I find myself very attached to him. He's a very special boy, a real fighter. Tina said the change in him is incredible. Much more active and putting on weight like crazy. :o)



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I have a feeling this will turn out good for you, if he is showing incredible improvement already then I doubt it will have much long term effects but time will tell. I can tell you are already attached to this baby even if he is a possible risk so weigh it carefully and go with your gut instinct as it usually serves us women well.

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I have a feeling this will turn out good for you, if he is showing incredible improvement already then I doubt it will have much long term effects but time will tell. I can tell you are already attached to this baby even if he is a possible risk so weigh it carefully and go with your gut instinct as it usually serves us women well.


This actually made me a little teary eyed. :o) How can we get so darn attached to anything, let alone a parrot I don't really even know?? :o) When Tina first offered him to me I told her I would be honored to have him, and I still fell the same. He is VERY special to her.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks. :o) I am a little worried that his test results won't be much better then a month ago. If it shows high probability of future issues I'm going to need to think very hard about bringing him home. And if I decide to wait for another baby it will be months. :o(



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Kim, I feel for your dilemma. It is beyond belief how this little grey bundle of feathers gets into the deepest recess of our hearts. I lost our first baby after waiting months and months for him to be healthy and come home. It was incredibly painful, but I have to say it was also one of the most rewarding life experiences. It was so profound that with much thought and consideration, we brought his ten month old clutchmate and brother home knowing he was sick. Looking back, I know it was the most important time in my life preparing me for bigger things. My greatest hope for you is that Xandir's test results come back with the best news for you and you don't have to anguish over your decision.

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Thanks everyone. My heart tells me to bring him home no matter what and just give him the best life possible. But his breeder might not go for that. She plans on calling the lab tomorrow to see if they have the results, that way we don't have to wait for after the long weekend. :o|



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When I opened my eyes to a new day, you were the first thing I was thinking about. It really has to be your own decision based on your ability to care for Xandir if he has life long implications and vet expenses. You are the only one who can make that decision and commitment. My thought was for you to talk to the vet directly, especially if he or she is the one who will be your partner in caring for Xandir. A frank discussion of what to expect from the vet's perspective will allow you to have all the facts to consider. It is probably going to be one of those "wait and see" kind of things. You might ask to be directed to reading material about the implications of this exposure to the formula. There must be other people out there who may not have the exact same experience, but it might give you some insight into health care going forward.

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Thank you katana600. I’ve been doing research and contacted a few people online. We need the results of the follow up blood test to see just how much improvement has taken place. His breeder, and the vet in question, live about 2 hrs from me; but I have an avian vet and she and I will discuss in detail what might be expected in the future, once we have the new test results. If the results show that he is likely to have long term/continual issues his breeder won’t part with him.


He’s had a very difficult start in life and is very special. First he couldn’t get out of his shell and his breeder had to assist him. Because of this she hand fed him from day one. Then the bad formula and being real sick. He’s feeling so much better that he’s almost not the same bird. She said that he’s very loving and social. Unless the chance of issues is high, I will be bringing him home. :o)



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Kim, you are really doing your homework and I admire your outlook. Your breeder is also to be commended. Our breeder was much the same way. After Juno passed away and his brother had surgery his breeder was going to keep him knowing what he had been through and realizing he needed special care. It was months before I knew I was ready to bring him home, give him a name, Kopi, and give him the best care. It took a lot for her to part with him but she was totally getting out of the breeding business after this clutch had serious health issues and I wanted to give him a chance. I don't regret for a moment the time I spent with these two special greys and it was a necessary part of my evolving to become ready to take Gilbert in and work to give him the best life he can attain. You are a pretty special person and my fingers are crossed for you and Xandir too!

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