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new african grey

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hello, i just got an african grey i was tod it was 1 and a half year old, but i want to know if there is way to tell. also it has a band on it i want to know if there is a way i can use that information. i got 2 african greys. one is tamed and lets you pet him but deosnt talk. it only makes hiccups sound and baby sounds can anyone tell me how long it might take to talk. the other is semi tamed but is really scared and will bite, but it talks like crazy. can anyone suggest on how to calm him down, also if the african grey has a crooked beak will that affect its talking ability

Edited by nukewalla
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Hello Nukewalla and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us.

If the eyes are still sort of dark your bird is under one year of age but if the eyes are ringed with light yellow around the pupil then your bird is probably closer to 2 years of age, after that it is hard to tell the age of a grey. The band usually has info about the breeder and may have a clue to when the bird was hatched but there is no set policy on the info on bands.

Some greys will never talk, most do but you may have one that has chosen to not speak in human language and if it is an older bird then I doubt it will ever talk but they usually do mimicking even if they don't talk.

It will take a while to get the semi tame bird to be comfortable around you, just take it slow and easy, talk to the bird a lot, give him treats and let him come to you so as not to force yourself on him, you have to earn a grey's trust and it takes a long time so be prepared to spend weeks, months and maybe a year or more to do that, patience is your best friend when working with a grey.

Would love to see some pictures of your birds when you get the chance.

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Hi Nukewalla and welcome to the grey forum.

First give your new grey time to settle in and time to know you and there new home.

Sit by and talk to your greys and they will come around, but it will take time. Don`t rush them. When they are ready they will let you know.

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Welcome to the forum. We all learn from others here and we will learn some things from you as well. What are your bird's names? We have a TAG, we aren't sure how old he is, maybe between seven and eleven years old. He was rehomed and has been with us for a year. He talks quite a bit and doesn't like to be touched much at all. With time and patience he is starting to trust. Some parrots have learned to bite because when they were subtle, the humans around them didn't "listen" and observe. The best thing you can do is to avoid getting in his zone until he is ready and let him come to you. They are all so individual and their background makes a big difference. Ours seems to like predictability and routine and he does a lot better in a quiet environment as he is still getting to know us.

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Hey and welcome to the greys forum ... definately what is your birds name and post some pics so we can get to know ya'll :)


I say dont rush and go with what your FIDs will allow. Maybe the one isnt speaking cuz of being timid and the new environment.... maybe it will pick up the other one as it chatters away? Lots to think about and lots of time to figure it out :D


Cant wait to se pics

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