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Ray P

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Fun Weekends?? I had most of the week off, and I am exhausted!! Spent 2 days washing all the windows inside and out, washed all the curtains, then spent the last 3 days weeding, cleaning up the yard from winter, mowing and putting bark mulch down..I need to go back to work so I can rest!!


What happened to a resting vacation?

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Uh oh, my husband travels extensively and when he is home on weekends, I am the one with the honey-do list that keeps him from his fun weekends. I will just have to put a little more effort into pruning that list and open up time for fun too. Nah... it may already be too late and I may be too set in my ways to change my vocabulary. LOL. Just for you though Ray, I will try, just once.

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Well yesterday I went out to lunch with my daughter then we caught a movie, the sun was out when we went in and when we came out it was pouring down rain, raining again today but who knows I may go catch another movie today, for the time being I am free as a bird to do what I want.

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I work weekends but I don't mind. I drive a lift bus so I'm all over the place, no two days are the same even though I do have some regular passengers. Yesterday and today are beautiful sunny days, the best kind of day to be driving all over town. Today (Sundays) I drive a van instead of a small bus so I put on even more miles. :o)



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