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Charley the 10 1/2wk old daredevil

Guest candismalli

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Guest candismalli



I had the bong in the cage because Charley likes the bell. He loves attacking it and putting his head under it like he is wearing it as a hat. He just recently learned how to perch I did not expect to see him on the boing today!!

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Guest candismalli
They love their boings!


He sure does pikachu, I just didn't expect to find him on it so soon!! My baby is growing up so fast!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I look at his picture in your avatar and then on his boing. He has come a long way in such a short time. Isn't he just the most wonderful joy of your day. I bet you were shocked to see him climbing around and saying "look ma no hands". He is such a cute guy.

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Greys and boings just go together but if you are worried about him going so high and he is still so young you can put some padding down in the cage bottom to cushion any falls until he gets more proficient at perching, you can cover it with some newspaper to keep it cleaner.

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Yep, boings are a must, right up there with bells. Be careful with the bell at the bottom of this boing. If he was investigating it he may be up to the same trouble Dorian was with the same bell. He was obsessed with getting the clapper out of the bell, and managed to break it off in pretty short order. I had to replace it with a larger more substantial bell. Bonus for me: he's still trying to break this bell and it keeps him busy. Bonus for him: the new bigger bell makes a LOT more noise.

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Guest candismalli

thanks Judy, now he is so good at the boing and if there is something he wants to get to he will use his beak to swivel the boing to reach it better like the condo opening to his play place. He seems so much more coordinated than anyone else in the family, lol

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Guest candismalli

Acapella- thanks for the tip, I will change the bell right away so he doesn't get hurt. Before he could play on the boing he would go under it part of the time and use it as a hat, lol. He doesn't play with it as much anymore

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Guest candismalli
lol yeah for boings ..... marco likes to go to the top and attack the hook :rolleyes: then hang upside down your baby is pretty! :D


Thanks Aerial! Isn't it funny how even though Greys have the same appearance that they look different to us parronts?

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