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Honored list for other birds

Ray P

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I am doing some research on other bird species that live with grey forum members. I am going to try and list the other fids species that we share our life with because they are just as important to their care givers as our greys and amazon are. It will be something like the honored amazon list but for all our other fids.

I would like to know if this is something that would be of intrest to the members.

I also share my life with two cockatiels and two peacocks.

I would like to know what kind of birds you share your life with and may be other members would be intreated also.

I would like some feed back as this will take some time to put together and I am not sure of the type of layout I will use.

Edited by Ray P
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I also have a blue and gold macaw. I have gotten some great advice given to me by members here as he was sickly when i got him. My husband found a macaw site as Oliver was "his" bird but he tired of their know it all attitudes and left. I showed him the thread i had started here and he reads it now daily before bed, he loves this forum! It may bring him in as he actually found ya'll for me and my grey to begin with! Lol

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My suggestion would be to have an Honored Page for each species of Other Birds. One for parakeets, one for conures, one for cockatiels, one for macaws, one for cockatoo's etc. MEMBERS would be responsible for listing their name and their birds name, maybe age too and a picture. It would be a huge task for one mod to take on, and this way any one accidently left out wouldn't be hurt.

Those of us with Other Birds can go to that page and list our own,

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I love this idea. I started reading grey forums when I got my first parrot because she was from Africa and her behavior was closer to a grey and I couldn't find any information about her. Then, I got so interested in all the African greys on this forum that I finally found myself taking care of a TAG too. It makes me feel a little guilty talking all the time about Gilbert and Java has second billing but she is still my number one girl. I would love to participate in this honored parrot listing when you get a format in mind. Thanks!

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