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How did you meet your LOVE/LOVER


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Thats such a lovely story, Joe, and this is a good subject to bring up about how we met the one we love.


Now do you want the one about the one I married or the one of my current lover, because I could tell you both, but I think I will stick to the one I am married to at the moment.


We met in high school of all places, can you believe that, and I knew he was the one I wanted to spend my life with. We both grew up in the same county but we went to different grade schools and did not meet until high school. We got married in October 1967 in our senior year and our daughter was born five days before graduation, you do the math. I know, we fooled around and got caught, but unlike some other young men who would have said its your problem, he stood by my and we were married and it will be 40 years next month. I should get a medal or something for sticking with him for that long, it hasn't always been easy, but hey we made our bed and now we lay in it.


You can pm me for the other story.:)

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Great stories Joe & Judy :)


I met Stewart at a friends engagement party,That particular Saturday night i didnt want to go, i was feeling unwell & wasn't in the mood for partying :(

My younger sister nagged me to go as she didnt know many of the people going, so i gave in & went .

Stewart asked me to dance & we were inseparable ;) We started dating the next day & have been together ever since, married 21 years this year,He is 10 years older than me :whistle: & that's what attracted me to him,( The older man ! )As everyone we have come through the bad & good times & i still love him as much as the first night i fell in love with him :blush:

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Good stories! Good subject...

I met Scott way back in High school. We were both 16. We got married at 25 (9 years of dating...If I had a nickel for every time someone had asked us, "When are you getting married already?"). Sadly, we separated in 99, divorced in 2000. Got back together in 2001. Crazy, huh? It's sometimes hard to explain. I just call him my "current ex husband." At my last job, I thought everyone would think I was a flake with such an arrangement. Then I found out a guy we worked with was doing the same thing (in a long-term relationship with his ex wife). So, maybe not so crazy. My son was so little at the time, he doesn't even know that technically we're divorced. Ok, now it's somebody's turn to post something stranger so I won't seem like a weirdo...:)

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I met Dan in my sophomore year in high school. I was dating his best friend. When I first laid my eyes on Dan, it was love at first sight. But I couldn't let HIM know that. Unknown to me at that time, it was the same for him. He started dating MY best friend so he could be around me. We dated our best friends for a couple months, then split up, and went our ways.


My junior year, I was in my front yard on a very cold fall day, raking leaves up in the yard when Dan drove up, and asked me if I wanted to go out. I was so excited, since I hadn't seen Dan for months. I ran into the house and asked my brother if I could go out with Dan. (my brother is 10 years older than me)

His answer was, I don't go out with anyone he hasn't met. (my heart sank) I had to go outside and tell Dan what my brother said. I thought for sure, he would say something like, "forget it." I was nervous when I told him what my brother said. Dan said "OK" - put the car in park, turned it off, and marched right into my brothers presence. (yes - presence) Dan looked my brother right in his eyes, and introduced himself, extended his hand to shake my brother's hand, and said he would like to take me out. (I just about died) The anticipation of my brother's answer was nerve racking. My brother stood up and said I could go out after I finished my chores, and have me home by midnight. If Dan could pass my brother's scrutiny, he was home free. From then on we were inseparable.


We married in my senior year, and we have been together ever since. 36 years of marriage, and two years of dating in high school.


My brother told me years later that he really liked Dan, because Dan had NO FEAR when he met him. He shook my brothers hand, and looked him straight in the eyes, and that was impressive to him for a snotty nose teenager. (hahaha)


Dan is my best friend. We have been through a lot together, and we are still married. I can't picture myself with anyone else.


I love you, Honey!!


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Andrew and I met on Halloween in 2001 while both in college in Monterey, CA. I was with my boyfriend at the time, and was introduced to him through a mutual friend at a party. I wasn't dressed up (costume), but he was dressed as a Air Force pilot. I knew there was something special about him, but I didn't see him again until the next semester...


The next semester I was trying to add a biology class, but I was wait listed. After some real perseverance I got in only to find out that Andrew was in the class. We both remembered each other and became instant friends and lab partners. We started hanging out all the time... going out to eat, going to farmers market, walking on the beach, etc. Once the semester ended I realized I didn't want to lose Andrew and broke up with my boyfriend. Within days Andrew and I were together and I haven't looked back! Our five year anniversary was in August and he proposed. We are planning a beach wedding in January! We couldn't be happier!!!!

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Nice topic here. ok mine started out as an internet love. One day Joey IMd me.We chatted, he wanted to meet me .I told him no wayyyyy!!! It was because of the age gap.Im 14 years older. Hes 30 Im 44. Hes like Im mature than most my age.Plus not wanting to internet date.The chatting continued and of course his pesting me to meet never stopped. Until one of my other male internet friends whom I never met but we been chatting 4 years prior to this. He told me he went to school w/ Joey and Joeys a great guy and I shouldnt worry about the age and what people think. The next day I finally gave Joey the news he'd been waiting to hear which is 5 month of the internet chatting and pesting. We set up the date, went out. 3 weeks later met the folks,His mom was so so cause she wants grandkids. My parents were pissed casue hes not to far off age of my older son. Sean is 24 and Joey is 30. We are in our 2nd year of being w/ each other. His parents love me, my parents love him. My sons get along great w/ him. A for marriage he wants to get married and a baby like starting December. Me I know I don't want marriage at all.

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I met my boyfriend at Tilt, the arcade in the mall, when I was 15. I hung out with my group of friends there and he would come in after work and play Tekken Tag Tournament. Out of everyone that played that game he was the best, and because he would never talk to anyone except the few people that had known him for awhile no one in my group knew his name...so we all called him "Tekken Guy". I was infatuated with him...he was (and still is) well built with the perfect V shape...like the statue of David, and his face is a mix of a younger Arnold Schwarzenegger

(think Kindergarten cop age) and Jason Statham from The Transporter. I was head over heels for him but could never get the nerve to go and talk to him...he was this untouchable being to me. One day I was getting hit on a lot more than usual so my confidence was through the roof, so I decided I would walk up and get his FULL attention. Because I didn't know him at all and I really didn't know much about Tekken, so I asked him a hypothetical question. I walked up to him while he was playing and asked "Hypothetically, if you don't have a girlfriend, would you take me home?" I know, I know...very trashy of me, but it got his attention and broke the ice…we have been together ever sense. It'll be 7 years in January. I always joke with him now saying we can NEVER tell our kids this story...it would set a horrible example!

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Nice thread Joe,


I decided to leave Canada and travel the world when I was about 18. I spent two years doing that and then I decided that it was about time to go back to Canada and get a REAL job....first though I wanted to go to Hong Kong. I met my husband there (German) in a fitness studio. It really was love at first sight. We have never been apart since we met and we have a lovely marriage over 16 years now. People are always a bit shocked as there is a 32 year age diffence, but who cares when I look around me at all the unhappiness in the world I know I am truely lucky to have met such a wonderful person. It is hard to belive that he will be 70 this march.

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Ok well lets see it was a dark and stormy night.


No not really. Anyway I was in a pretty crappy relationship and didn't want to admit it. I work graveyard shift in a manufacturing plant about 16 miles from my house. Every morning I stop at this gas station to get my smokes soda or whatever. I've been doing this for about four and a half years. Everyone that works there knows me and I've got a pretty good reputation for flirting with the ladies that work there. A few months ago this new girl started but I was having a bad day and didn't really say anything. I just got my stuff and walked out. I was almost to my truck when this sweat little voice behind me made me stop. (I still have no idea what she said) I turned around and there stood this cute little brunette. She just grabbed me by the arm and said can I see your tattooes. I said sure but I've got like a quarter of my body covered. She said to show her so I did. Basically disrobing right there in the parking lot. We talked for a few and then she went back inside. Truth be told I really didn't think much a bout it. I just starting flirting with her like the rest of them. Alittle over a month ago I finally ended it with the girl I had been seeing.(smartest thing I've done in a long time) A couple weeks later I was at the gas station doing my normal daily bit when the new girl said I just had to see her new tattoo. Of course I looked and we got to talking. Then saturday morning I got off work early (2am)and stopped at the station. She and I got to talking and she told me I needed to shave my facial hair off again. I asked her if I did what she would do.B) She joked around for a minute then told me that if I would ask her out she wouldn't say no like she does to everyone else who asks her at work. (Ive seen her do it) So I told her I would and we talked until I left at 5am. Yesterday I showed up clean shaven and asked her where we were goin for breakfast. She decided it would be safest for us to go to her apartment and her make me breakfast. She has a major food allergy and if she's not careful she could die. So off we went. I helped her make us some food and then we sat down and talked litterally till we passed out from exhaustion. A few hours later we both had to get up and go to work. I talked to her again this morning for a good two hours. So pretty much there we are. Not trying to get my hopes up or read to much into it but we are so much alike it's scary. Like talking to the same person. We finish each others sectences, have the same basic child hood memories, our families are the same, and most of our beliefs are exactly the same. All this and we are seven years apart. Kinda wild.




If you would like I could tell you how my ex-wife and I met. She is still my best friend and me both laugh at how stupid it was.




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Being a junior in high school, I don't really have a good story to share... I can say that I've had a crush on the same guy since 9th grade (met him performing in the school musical) and he is by far the most confusing boy I have ever tried to figure out.



...I'll get back to you all in a few years. :silly:

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Well, I have my forever love (besides Beckette ):laugh: I was divorced from the man I was married to for 13 years, and no way did I want to repeat that, so for 10 years all I did was work and raise my kids. No dating no sex, no nothing!


Finally after 3 years of therapy I was ready to try again, so joined an online dating group, and since I was new, got a few replies.


Joe was the first one that I talked to to suggest we actually meet, and he wanted me to name the place. Being a bit of a bookworm I suggested Barnes and Noble a bookstore. I was so nervous that I couldn't stay where I said I would be and was prowling the stacks. I got a phone call from him asking where I was (he thought I had chickened out!). We meet, he bought me a beverage, I went to his house two days later, and pretty much didn't leave thereafter. We have been together for almost two years now, and its like nothing I ever have had or could imagine.


I know he loves me because he tolerates Beck the house- and toe-eater.:)

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That is such a lovely story of how you met your man, we have all heard the horror stories of meeting someone thru the internet but yours is one of the good ones. That was a hard thing to do but 10 years is a long time to go without someone in your life and to go for that long without sex, I don't know how old you are but it would not be easy for anyone at any age.


Glad you have found your soulmate and may you two live a long and happy life together with Beckette.

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i have the affair you were waiting for joe!!!


I met my current partner when I opened the door to the postam on a visit to mums, he stood there and handed me the parcel, I came in and said 'hes lovely'.


it took many months and lots of lavender :) but eventually he agreed to have tea with me, I was single at the time and just assumed he was too, or maybe i didnt want to admit he might not be.


Andrew was married, in a stale relationship which he ended. We have lived together almost a yearnow and i still think hes lovely, we get on great, we love each other too much and he made my life feel worthy again.


after even the finest frog, there always comes a more handsome prince

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