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Serving size?


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I've looked and may have overlooked it, but what is the serving size of fresh food for a CAG?


A lot of food is wasted as I'm either giving too much, or he just doesn't like what I'm giving him.


I'm baking some cornbread now. Hoping I can get some pellets into him. Gotta go grocery shopping for more veggies and fruits and beans...I don't eat beans, I don't even know how to cook them...anyone want to share the knowledge of beans?


Gonna try to soak pellets in apple juice and/or orange juice.


How bad are canned peas? Buddy likes those.

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I've looked and may have overlooked it, but what is the serving size of fresh food for a CAG?


A lot of food is wasted as I'm either giving too much, or he just doesn't like what I'm giving him.


I'm baking some cornbread now. Hoping I can get some pellets into him. Gotta go grocery shopping for more veggies and fruits and beans...I don't eat beans, I don't even know how to cook them...anyone want to share the knowledge of beans?


Gonna try to soak pellets in apple juice and/or orange juice.


How bad are canned peas? Buddy likes those.


The serving size will vary from bird to bird.

Maui is almost a year old and will eat fresh food, but not a lot.

I think that the amount that fits into an individual cell of an ice tray is a good amount to start with. That's probably a little more than a Tbsp?


If you are talking about beans like navy beans, etc. that are hard and come in a bag, follow the directions. They must be cooked.

Other beans (like grean beans) & peas can be given raw & in the pod.

Maui loves pea pods.


I'd be careful about giving canned peas. Too much sodium & preservatives.


Check out a product called "Bean Cuisine". You boil it for a few minutes in water. It comes with different legumes & pasta, which the birds love.

You can boil up a bunch & freeze it into portions in an ice cube tray. Then you can pull out individual portions & thaw to serve.

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A serving size is whatever he will eat on one time, you don't have to fill the bowl all the way up, I usually give more than I know they are going to eat but it still is a small amount, you don't have to worry about them over eating so just use your best judgment.

The beans will take several hours to cook unless you soak them overnight, the bag they come in usually gives instructions, I wouldn't give him canned beans as they will have a lot of sodium and even rinsing them does not help.

Thats a good idea to try adding a little juice to the pellets and see if he will eat them that way.

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Okay, no canned peas...I love canned peas over fresh! LOL Probably cause of the sodium and preservatives.


Beans beans the magical fruit. The more you eat the more you toot. The more you toot, the better you feel, so eat some beans at every meal. My hubby and kids love beans...but they get it out of a can. Wonder how they'll like the beans in a bag.


I'm definitely putting way too much in his bowl. I need to buy some ice cube trays! We don't have any cause we have an ice machine. LOL


I have to go to Whole Foods in Austin for groceries. Our Wally world has awful veggies and fruits and not a great selection at that. Day trip!



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Beans beans the magical fruit. The more you eat the more you toot. The more you toot, the better you feel, so eat some beans at every meal. My hubby and kids love beans...but they get it out of a can. Wonder how they'll like the beans in a bag.


I had always heard it as "Beans, beans good for the heart, the more you eat em the more you fart, the more you fart the better you feel, beans beans for every meal".

The beans out of a can are good but the ones from the bag are better especially if you use a little country ham in them when cooking but for the birds you will have to leave that out.

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I had never heard it before I met my husband. They are a family that is very open about their toots. It can be a little scary at Thanksgiving. LOL


I will definitely try the ham...my family will enjoy it too! Thanks!

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Beans are great! But of course, the more we give our birds, we give our kids. Sophie and Ryan, always have a farting competition. Ryan, always wins. Sean, gets annoyed with everyone, He feels everyone is teaching Kiki " poor choices!" He is type " A" personality, and gets concerned, we are not the best examples for his bird. I'm sure he is right. Nancy

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No Type "A" personalities here! You can always hear my kids doing a farting medley. Sigh.


Hubby brought home split peas and lentils. Am cooking them now. Think I will make some split pea soup and lentil soup as my hubby loves both and set aside some servings for Buddy. He's being neurotic today. I mean he's hating on me today. Probably because I'm feeding him good food, and he only got a few seeds. Figures, he got all happy when my hubby got home. Sigh.

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