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I have been looking around the internet at different names for my one week old male CAG. I found a name that originates from Africa. It is a boy name that means, "he is a gift". Kayode (pronounced Kay-Oh-Day) I think it is beautiful but my boyfriend is not much of a fan. Thoughts? Any other name suggestions?

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Everyone attaches different significance to their birds name. Our baby (when we get him) will be named Philly. For us, it works on multiple levels: my partner is from the Philippines, spent many years in and loves the city of Philadelphia, and my mother's name is Phillis. hahahaha Seems like a natural to me! ;)


Good luck on whatever name you choose!!

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I think you might want to wait for a bit to see if there is something about your baby's personality that might make a name come to mind, after all your baby is only one week old, also you might want to have the dna test done so you know what sex it will be.

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The test will be done on all the babies and I will pick from the males. Waiting to name the baby by personality is a wonderful idea, but since the baby is such a hot topic with my friends and family we all find it a little tedious to keep calling him "the baby". Haha.

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I picked the name before bringing Ellie home and let her personality infuse the name instead of vice versa...


I'm a lazy person and decided that Elegua (three syllables) was too long and I call her Ellie most of the time... Will you call your baby, "Kayode", or something shorter?

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I love the name and meaning. It is so exciting that you have a baby to watch over while he grows and gets ready to come to you. Listen to your heart, hold your little one and you will know. If you try it on for size and call him what you want and then change your mind, no worries, you may decide on a nickname or derivative as you get to know him.

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another suggestion if you decide not to use Kayode is to think of famous people you like, such as actor, singer, someone you idolize or respect just brain storm write down different names, even stupid ones as sometime the stupid leads to something else

Good luck

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Thanks everyone. I went to the breeder last Wednesday to see how everything was progressing (also because I can't stand the wait!) He is three weeks old today and still with his parents, he may not be pulled from the nest for handfeeding for another week or so. I am anxiously awaiting the phone call to see him for the first time. I have a list of names to choose from..I have a feeling that I will know which one fits when I hold him the first time. I was thinking, if it ends up being Kayote I could call him "Kayo" for short..or let him make up his own nickname for his name. Can't wait!

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The waiting, oh what agony it is to have to wait, been there and done that but it will be over soon I promise. When you do get to see him for the first time please share a picture or two with us as we love to admire the babies, they are so precious.

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Like judygram said, the waiting can be tough--but it is also sweet with anticipation and time for preparation mentally, emotionally, and materially. As far as names--it is such a personal thing. I'm glad I'm single because I didn't need to get approval from anyone. Before I knew my fid's sex I had three possible options. For female I decided on Sophie or Gracie. For a male I had decided on Miles. Well, one of my friend's ex-husband was named Miles, and she put a lot of pressure on me to reconsider. Thankfully my fid turned out to be a girl, and I decided on Gracie. Why did I choose Gracie? It just sounds like a happy name to me and I want my little girl to be happy. There wasn't any deep meaning and I didn't even realize the connection between Gracie (Grey-cee) and her being a grey. It just sounded happy and when I say it to her I feel happy. I think she does, too! By the way, I also researched tons of African names, but I have some strange ethnocentric idea that all animals are inherently American! Whenever I visit my friends in Europe I always subconsciously imagine their dogs and cats are ex-patriots abroad.

Edited by JeffNOK
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