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How do you play with your grey?


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I know this will sound silly but i have not found a way to "play" with Stewart. He doesn't like toys so really he just sits. Now i may not have found the toy he likes yet, i have only had him since January, 5 yr old rescue, but even when he is out to roam around he just sits or runs back to his stand. Yesterday his first attempt at play may have happened by taking my straw and lid off of my drink and tossing it. What are some things to do with him? We whistle and talk all day to each other but when his is on my arm, he just kisses me. Lol

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At 5 years old, he is not as playful as a younger grey. It seems you did find something he likes and that was the straw and lid.


It is going to be through experiences such as this, that you will find what he enjoys playing with. It will take some trial and error, but you will find various items over time.


Capitalize on the whistling and talking since it seems to be one of his favorite activities. Just perhaps, you will find some words come up describing something he used to play with like an acrylic ball with bell in it for example or small wooded blocks to chew on and destroy.


Obviously, he loves you and his new home. :)

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Maui is turning one in a couple weeks.

She plays all day, INSIDE her cage. She plays more and more every day on her tree stand.

She does not play with me. She will perch on my wrist and let me scratch her head and neck. And, she gives me kisses.

I just figure she is an independent woman.

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I just don't want him bored. I was told he was cage bound before i got him and i want him to be free to do whatever he wants, he just needs to want something! He had a very bad beak trim so he doesn't chew any wood. Doesn't (can't) even crack nuts. I gave him bells but he only likes them if i ring it. I put cereal in a bottle bc he likes the rattle noises but again, i have to make the noises. He is not independent at all. Lol he hates foot toys. Adding paper he adores to nibble on, no shredding just tiny nibbles. I thought about a babble ball but really he is so timid that would scare him and set us back i'm afraid.

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My greys like plastic straws and tied together to chew and play with. Hanging bells to clang and boings to climb on. I believe Stewart is still getting use to his "freedom" and enjoying your companion. So relax let him find his way in his own time. Make toys and chewing things available and let him find his happiness. The kisses should let you know he is blissfully happy. Congratulations, you sound like a grey't parront!

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Stewart sounds almost exactly like Dorian when I brought him home. Dodo was cage bound and didn't know what toys were for. He'd only had acrylic toys in his cage. His previous owners liked them because they were indestructible, but because of that all Dorian knew toys were good for was beating them against the bars of his cage (still a favourite activity btw). Even the most basic foraging is still beyond him, and toys that other birds would destoy in a week hang around him for months. He also liked tearing paper, so I took that info and ran with it. Every toy I make for him have two things in common. They are made up of a lot of colourful paper cupcake cups, and every toy must have a bell. I've had him for 5 years now, and he's only just started lightly chewing on some of the soft wood pieces I include in most toys. My advice is to compare Stewart as little as possible to other birds here that had lots of enrichment experiences and toys from babyhood, and meet him where he is.

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aww I dont think you are doing anything wrong. I know there are times that Marco is more then content and happy to just CHILL and I want her to be independant and not destructive LOL


Ive heard of some ppl putting like a phone book thru the bars for their birds to tear up .. might be a thought if the paper is softer for him. just an idea :D and I know Marco lovesssssss straws!


you are doing a great job

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Oliver wandered onto Stewarts cage again last night and it was the first time i have ever seen him angry and wanting to fight. Oliver was by his paper roll with one foot on the paper ripping it in chunks. Stewart was climbing the ladder, neck stretched out and beak open waiting for his chance to bite. Well now i know just how much his paper means to him! Lol

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Sam has been with us since last June, and he is finally beginning to show enjoyment when he comes out of his cage. It took months for him to voluntarily come out, and I still have to have lots of patience knowing that we're moving on his pace, not mine.

He is afraid of most toys and generally would prefer to be a perch potato. We've made great strides though and this is a photo of him, as I typed this note, sitting next to me, playing with a marker. The fact that he finally picked something up and interacted with it, while not in his cage was a HUGE !

It sounds like you are doing a great job- Stewart is a lucky guy to have found a human that cares so much.

Karen and Sam

sammarker 001.jpg

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I would also remind members, that it is soooo much more fun, if they shouldn't do it! LOL! I leave paper out for Sophie to destroy. Sophie has NEVER liked toys. Her family, is her greatest toy. She chases Sean's feet, she loves to sit and listen to Ryan play the guitar. Any boardgame, she is there. VERY competitive! We learned along time ago, Sophie doesn't give a hoot about toys. She just cares about being a part of our family. Nancy

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Hey! During our calm down time tonight, while Stewart was on my chest as i layed on the couch he found a chew toy! The collar of the tee shirt i was wearing! It is okay with me, chew away my love if thats what makes you happy, its daddy shirt! Lol Now i feel like a parront and have the holes in my shirt to prove it!

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So far been lucky with that. We had potty issues the first month, now they let us know, with time, to get them where they need to go. I think potty training was all we did that first month. Lol My grey actually was walking on our kitchen table and had to go but before i could get to him he threw paper on the floor from the table then pooped on it all by his self. Granted we needed the papers he tossed but we couldn't stop laughing at him!

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He would do a little crouch before he went and i would say paper, sometimes we made it to the paper, most times not. Each time we would get closer and closer though so i didn't give up. Now he will crouch down but stand right back up and cock his head at me, if i miss it, he has a "right now" chirp he will use. Now grant you, we still have mishaps, but he will go in my hand if need be. Lol.

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Chickie has 2 phone books hung through the bars at the back top of her cage and she LOVES them. I come home to TONS of shredded paper on the bottom of her cage. She likes to go upside down and rip the pages.


Phonebook was delivered today! I will be collecting everyones in the neighborhood too! Lol they are still all at work, they'll never miss it!

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He would do a little crouch before he went and i would say paper, sometimes we made it to the paper, most times not. Each time we would get closer and closer though so i didn't give up. Now he will crouch down but stand right back up and cock his head at me, if i miss it, he has a "right now" chirp he will use. Now grant you, we still have mishaps, but he will go in my hand if need be. Lol.
ooo that is a good idea !!!! I will have to try that


Phonebook was delivered today! I will be collecting everyones in the neighborhood too! Lol they are still all at work, they'll never miss it!

LMAO great idea

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Phonebook was delivered today! I will be collecting everyones in the neighborhood too! Lol they are still all at work, they'll never miss it!


Too funny!!! I hit my neighbors up for their phonebooks and newspapers that they just leave in their driveway. The local newspaper fits the bottom of Chickie's cage and playstand perfectly!! :)

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Oh nooooo, he is 5 yrs old, hasn't he passed that stage?


I think he heard me bragging about his pooping, tonight is the first time in weeks he got me. He also wanted to fly tonight during play time, he tried, he failed. Not a smooth landing what so ever, but he did let me touch him on his chest, first time ever, and put my hand on his back and hold him close to check him over. But alas, he came to his senses and nipped at me so i guess he isn't broken. Lol.

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This sucks guys, but a friend at work who has alot of avian experience, told me, phonebooks and newspapers, are not good for a bird to chew on, due to the ink. I don't know! Anyone with experience, have a thought? Nancy


Thanks Nancy, hopefully someone will let us know for sure. I was under the impression that as long as it wasn't the shiny pages, like a magazine cover, that it was ok??? I sure hope it is because my Chickie just loves it.

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