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Future Grey Owner and Newbie to the forum

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Good morning! My name is Jenni and I will be getting a grey sometime in the near future. I am no stranger to long-term commitments. I am also owned by 3 Sulcata tortoises, Tex Wasabi- almost 8 years old and about 70lbs., Captain Jack-3 years old and 5 lbs., and Lola- almost 2 years and still very small. I have 2 children, an almost 12 year old daughter and a 9 year old son. I also have a 9 year old cat named Owen, 3 Red-Eared Sliders (1 adult female, 1 adult male, 1 juvenile female), too many fish to count, a crawfish, a 6 year old Russian tortoise named Maggie McGee and a hermit crab. We have a little menagerie going on. I belong to tortoiseforum.org and love the community there. I'm hoping to find the same type of help here. I've been doing a ton of research on greys and did purchase a cage that is 2 1/2' deep, 3 1/2' wide and 4' tall with a play top. I've been learning so much about their behaviors and training, diet, and all of their needs. What I need to ask is, and from looking around on here I know there's some of you who have cats, do you keep your grey in a different room from where your cat(s) is/are? I work away from my home during the day but oftentimes can stop in for lunch during my workday, and my husband gets home from work before I do. I'm just wondering how to keep both a cat and a grey and have them both be safe. Any help you can give me is very much appreciated! Thank you and have a blessed day!:o

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Hello Jenni and welcome to our family, so glad to hear you are doing your research before you plunge in and get that grey.

Yes many of our members have cats, dogs and many other types of animals and you certainly would have to supervise any time the cat is out where the bird is especially if the grey is out of the cage. You might want to close your cat off from the room your grey is in while no one is home just to be safe for even when the bird is in the cage the cat could come close and maybe get a foot bitten so safety is the first issue. You also have to be careful to keep the cat away for the bacteria in their mouths could potentially harm your grey and even the bacteria in our own mouths can make a bird sick so no open mouth contact.

Please feel free to browse thru the forum for you will find lots of useful information and if you don't find what you are looking for just ask and we will help you in any way we can.

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Welcome to the forum Jenni. I'm new here and don't have my grey yet either. He's a baby. :o) However, I do have other birds, a dog, and 2 cats. My cats are scared of the bigger birds and never go near them. When I'm not home the birds are in their cages and the cats are free in the apartment. My cats are indoor only and have never "hunted" so that probably makes a difference. ??



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Thanks for the welcome! I laughed out loud at the warning about no open mouth contact. I learned a long time ago not to add a pet member to our family based on impulse. I have had parakeets and a cockatiel in the past so I have bird experience. I apend many hours researching before making the decision to add a pet to our family. For example, at first I thought I wanted a female Solomon Island Eclectus. But after doing a lot of research I have changed my mind to a Congo grey. I believe overall a CAG will be a much better fit for our family.

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I have a cat. It helps that Jac (kitty) has never been outside so he's not a hunter. In fact, when Dorian startles off a perch and flies unexpectably, Jac runs the other way. On the other hand, Dorian isn't afaid of Jac at all, so it's really Dorian I have to watch. He's been trying to get a taste of cat-tail for years now. I never leave them alone in the same room if Dorian's cage is open, and if they ever get too close to each other all it takes is an "I'm watching you two" from me to scatter the troops.

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Lol, my cat who is both indoors and out is scared to death of my birds, i think it is more the macaw beak that scared her but hey, whatever worked! Had a startled flight and Stewart landed near the cat. I can not recall ever seeing a cat jump so high straight up in the air with her feet in running position for her life! I do not let them be alone though. If Cook is inside and the boys are out, she is locked in a room.

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If your cat has claws, I would keep it in a different room when unsupervised. Even indoor cats have hunting instincts as I found with my late cat and my late cockatiel. If the bird is startled and ends up on the ground near the cat, you cannot always predict what will happen.


That said, welcome to the forum! You'll find it just like a family. Like my wife's family at least: mostly great people and a few you nod to politely when you can't avoid them...

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LMAO at a few you nod to politely ..... lotta great information here shared for sure ! My 2 indoor cats b4 they died were big hunters too and they never were outside a day in their lives so definatelyyyyy be careful period! I dont trust even my kids LMAO well not yet anyways :rolleyes:

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Hey I’m new to this forum, I have just got a African grey his name is Casper and I have been told he is male and that he is 6-7 years old he loves his biscuit’s and toy's, He has a ring on his leg and I’m trying to find out some more about him and where he is from,

He was not treated very well and becomes anxious when left alone, He does bite a little however he is slowly getting use to me and his routine, Although I haven’t had him long I know we will be friends for life.

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Hey I’m new to this forum, I have just got a African grey his name is Casper and I have been told he is male and that he is 6-7 years old he loves his biscuit’s and toy's, He has a ring on his leg and I’m trying to find out some more about him and where he is from,

He was not treated very well and becomes anxious when left alone, He does bite a little however he is slowly getting use to me and his routine, Although I haven’t had him long I know we will be friends for life.

welcome to you and your baby :) I was told the only way to know for sure the sex of your FID (if it matters to you) is a DNA test! How long have you had casper? we love to see pics ! so please post and welcome

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welcome to you and your baby :) I was told the only way to know for sure the sex of your FID (if it matters to you) is a DNA test! How long have you had casper? we love to see pics ! so please post and welcome


Hello and thank you for the warm welcome, I've been looking into getting him DNA tested, As I have only had him for 2 weeks I thought we should get to know each other before I attempt to get some feathers although not really sure if that's the only way for him to be tested? I will be posting pic's soon as I'm a very proud parent :D

Edited by Dusty Grey
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Hello and thank you for the warm welcome, I've been looking into getting him DNA tested, As I have only had him for 2 weeks I thought we should get to know each other before I attempt to get some feathers although not really sure if that's the only way for him to be tested? I will be posting pic's soon as I'm a very proud parent :D
I am not sure about "other ways" to do it other then the feather ... I dont think its a painful process but prehaps the DR can do it other ways! :D we are so glad to have you here ... I like you also thought I had a boy :rolleyes: hence the name MARCO LOL .. but alas .. her DNA says girl and Im ok with that too! :D
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I DNA my birds with a blood sample. I get free kits, clip a nail for the blood, and mail.




I rang my local vets a few days ago and asked if they could do it they said there hadn't been much call for it but would check and see what lab if any they could send it to but they still havent got back to me, If anyone has any links to sites where you can get the test kits that would be great.

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Thanks Kimijean for the link however I'm in the uk so am not really sure if what I would need to do to receive the results, I've just spoken to the vets and they said that it would be possible to do a DNA and health check at the same time as he does bite a little although less than when I got him I thought this would be the way to go.

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