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Update: Nova


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Hello everyone. I have been doing some detective work on finding my "stolen" baby CAG, Nova. I started with checking Craigslist to see if the person who took him was trying to resell him for profit, after no leads on that I started calling pet stores and breeders in the surrounding area to see if they had heard anything or if anyone had recently tried selling them a baby. To my surprise, none of them had even heard that there was a African Grey that was stolen from the pet store Nova was from ( one of the steps they told me they would take was to contact other pet stores/breeders to attempt to find Nova) and a few people I spoke to told me they DID have many security cameras and it would be difficult to steal any pet from there. I became very suspicious. I called the police station and found that there was no report filed about a stolen bird the day Nova was "stolen". I also had a friend of mine that the pet store workers had never seen before go in and casually ask when the African Grey was sold. They told her that he had gone home with a nice family the same day he was "stolen". Needless to say, Nova was obviously sold to someone who must have had the money to buy him in full even though I had already reserved him. I am relieved in a way that Nova was not stolen and is safe in a home somewhere but I am disgusted with the pet store workers and their lies and fake sincerity for my loss. On a brighter note, while I was searching for Nova, a very reputable breeder in the area informed me that they just had some CAG babies hatch, (on April 7th, the same day Nova was taken from me) after much consideration I have decided to reserve another baby and will get to see them in about two weeks. I am still mourning my loss of Nova but I will not let this terrible situation push me away from sharing my life with one of these wonderful birds. I apologize for the length of this post and thank you for taking the time to read.

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I agree. I would have preferred for them to just tell me he was sold. Instead of having me searching for him, worried sick about his safety. But then, they wouldn't be able to trick me into purchasing another bird through them. I got my deposit back and ran! Jerks!

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Well them dirty sons of well you know what, this is what gives pet stores a bad name, needless to say they will not get your business any longer not even for bird food. If it was me I would march right back in there and give them a piece of my mind and to let them know you know what happened and everyone you meet you will tell them what they did and to take their business elsewhere. I hope you had not given them any money down but if so ask for it back, they owe you that at the very least.

Some people just do not have a conscience I guess, somebody with the money ready takes preference over another and you had been in that store bonding with Nova many times. I feel so bad for you but at least you have found some good, you have a breeder that has a baby available so good luck with that and keep us informed.

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

Wow, what horrible liars! I'd call them out on it and write them a bad review on yelp so other customers can be made aware.


For them to pull this stunt, it is obvious that they don't care for their customers, provide bad customer service and could care less about any bonds that may have formed between you and Nova. I hope you at least got all your money back.


Grrrr, people like that put me off!

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This is so unprofessional behavior by the pet store manager! If i were in your shoes, i will tell everyone i know about it and will mention the name of the pet store. I will make sure that people will avoid dealing with him to avoid having the same situation. What a low life he is, i don't like people like that.

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Firstly, I wish you luck with your new baby. I bet you are excited to meet him/her in a few weeks.

Secondly, I applaud your "detective work" and am happy to hear that Nova is not harmed. I am so disgusted by this pet store and surely hope you write a letter or speak to them and let them know how terrible it was for them to say.

I know I would never step foot in there again- I'd be so mad!



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I am so proud of you for getting to the bottom of this. It is sickening to know someone walked in and made an impulse buy of your little Nova but better than thinking he was stolen and heaven knows where. There is no excuse for the behavior of this shop treating Nova like a commodity and lying to you and keeping you heartsick. I would love to go in there and rail upon them too but the truth is there is little to do except create positive energy and think this is meant to be. Your breeder will work with you directly and they are the ones who invest in all the care, feeding and raising the baby so they will be a valuable asset to helping you get started. Pox upon the other misfits.

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Thank you all. It is so comforting to have so many great, like-minded people to back me up! I will post pictures of the new baby and siblings within a few weeks. I do believe things happened this way for a reason and everything will work out fine. Again, thank you all for the support.

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You poor thing...so sorry you gad to go through all that stress. I had a very bad experience with a "very reputable" bird store in my area, and, as a result, I lost my baby that I was bonding to. However, just like you, I then went out and found a reputable breeder and that made all the difference in the world! And, it brought my Chickie into my life and I know she was meant to be mine. Hopefully you will find the same happiness with your new baby even though it took heartache to get there.

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wow, what disgusting behavior... honestly, I would find any and every review site out there and spread the word... also go into nearby business and just let people know how this business handles it's customers... also find out if the town has a commerce meeting and bring this to their attention... and if you really wanna go for it... contact the local newspaper, and see if they're willing to do a story

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That is horrible of those people to do that to you. I am glad to hear that Nova is safe but wish he would have been with you. I am so glad you found out the truth though and have located a new baby.


I would agree with what everyone else has said about posting bad reviews. If you find their store listed online through the phone number or map location you can usually post reviews their also in addition to yelp and others.


I would definitely contact the better business bureau and file a complaint. There are people who check there on companies before they do business.


Good luck with our new baby, I am so glad you were able to find it. I look forward to hearing as you follow this new path. It is very sad what happened but this new baby will bring you great joy and happiness.

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I have contacted Nova's breeder and the cockatiel breeder that sells to the pet store to make them aware of the situation. I hope they care enough about their birds to sell to another pet store that has more respect for their animals and customers. I have told all my friends and family and asked them to spread the word. I told my story on their public Facebook page for their loyal customers to see, and wrote a negative review online. As much as I want to go in there and give them a piece of my mind, it would not change anything and only serve to make myself even more upset. I just hope what I have done will help other people know what they are getting into when dealing with this pet store. Now that I know Nova is safe, I am ready to put all of this behind me. I will focus my energy on the new baby from now on.

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