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Oddball request for help....


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THis is half off topic but not really...


I'm a part of a public speaking organization called Toastmasters Inter. We practice making speeches to improve our ability to communicate in a competent manner in our professional and personal lives... It's tons of fun.


I'm due to give a speech next Tues (4/17) and it's a project where you have to do research. THis is where I need YOUR help... I've read SOOOO many things I can't seem to get a good starting point on what to talk about...


So if you only had 7 min to talk about the African Grey what would you talk about... and what do you think is important to share with others?


I appreciate the help!!



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Oh wow! This is cool! 7 minutes.... Hard to do. I think I would explain the lifelong commitment, the emotional needs, the importance of being an accepted family member, their diet. Just some thoughts off the top of my head.

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What a great topic! I loved reading about Alex the very famous African Grey. I don't think that people that do not own these amazing birds realize the cognitive ability of them. I would tell people that they rival primates in cognitive ability, that it is said that they have the intellect of a 5 year old (with the maturity level of a three year old). I find that people are very interested in finding this out. If you haven't read the book about Alex, I would start there. When my friends find out that greys are capable of the same cognitive ability of a primate they are usually stunned. Why don't you cite different examples of what they are capable of. I know that my cag Dorothy is also very empathetic, I was not feeling well and she witnessed me feeling very sick. (not to get too graphic but I was in the bathroom) Everytime I enter this room now she is very quiet, very concerned, it is so obvious! She is still very young and this is the first time I could actually see an absolute difference in her personality which I can only call "worry" I know all birds show worry and concern but true empathy about another person! Good luck, would love to hear you speak!

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My stress point to all is that these guys are a commitment, not something to be entered into lightly. It is just like having a child who really doesn't grow up and forget the moving out at 18 part! Lol You need to fid (kid with feathers) proof your house and hide your remotes and pens, and just when you think you have done everything you could, they will bring to your attention something you forgot! They are cute and smart which is why they are in demand as a token for some, then these people see its hard work and either get rid of them or neglect them. Judygram is correct about the wild caught birds. Damn shame! ( read Twix thread, i think it is titled " Can't go back there")

I would love to read your speech on my favorite subject! African Greys!

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Use all that has been said, It is illegal to import to the U.S. as it is to many country's, due to illegal importing, The CAG and TAG are on the endangered list, doomed for extinction. Another note, Congo African Grey and Timnehs will not be domesticated for over another 200,000 years, like our dogs and cats. Grey's they're truly wild... This site is wonderful...Jayd


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If it were me I would view this as an opportunity to introduce an amazing creature to people who probably have very little knowledge about birds in general let alone African Greys. As such, I would not focus too narrowly, but use the seven minutes to more or less give broad information that will peak their curiosity.


If I was giving the presentation, this is what I would talk about and how I would organize my presentation.


1. General Info: What the bird looks like, where it is from,the life span and that there are two sub-species. 1 min

2. Interesting Facts: Give examples of its amazing cognitive and talking abilities. Introduce them to stories about Alex, Einstein, N'kisi, and Cosmo (there is some really interesting new research based on Cosmo) etc. 3 minutes.

3. Discuss how they are as human companions: devotion, entertainment, mischief, cost, housing requirements, medical needs.--2.5 min

4. Conclude with cautions about their need for lots of attention and love and that such parrots should only be owned by those fully committed to them-- .5 min (30 sec might not seem like much here, but these are not necessarily prospective Grey owners, so a basic caution should be enough in my opinion)


Those are just my thoughts.

Good Luck and give us feedback after your speech!

Edited by JeffNOK
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Good post, N'kisi, is a subject that a person might want to avoid with out extensive research, He kind of dropped off the map around 2002. "Einstein", please, note is a trained Grey, trained by treat giving to respond on command, unlike "Alex" who was doing something natural. By the way, there are 2 "Einsteins" They both clam to be the "original"..Thanks Jayd

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Jayd, good point about Einstein. I love watching Einstein (actually both of them), but it is true that the behavior is trained and not natural. I didn't know about N'kisi dropping off the map. I will have to research that. I'm curious what happened. I know there was some discussion about N'Kisi reading minds which I thought was a bit strange. I teach English to international students and one of our textbooks has a short reading about N'Kisi that I found interesting, but I haven't done any fact checking recently. The Cosmo research was quite interesting, however, dealing with how her vocalizations changed depending on social situations. Maybe sticking to Alex and Cosmo would be enough in a short speech.

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Ok... due to my computer eating my presentation last night i'm postponing till our next meeting in two weeks... so if anyone has any other ideas let me know.


thanks again to everyone for your suggestions so far... I can't wait to be a parront.

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