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Grey Talking??


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Hi I hAve an african grey hes now 18 weeks old im just wondering at what age is it possible for them to talk from i know it can take up to two years for them to talk but just wondering at what age it is possible for them to start at??



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Hi Noely,


I have heard of them saying their first word at 5 or 6 months. The general consensus though is "Normal to be one year.


Please note though, that some never talk. We all "Hope" they do, but if they don't, we love them just the same.:-)


They are still our child!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/23 14:10

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It's funny, I don't remember Talon making those robotic voices. I only remember her mumbling under her breath a lot.

But today, she said "Bad Bird!" and "Stop!" She's been a feisty 2 year old lately, and doing a lot of biting, so Melissa has been saying Bad Bird and then putting Talon on her perch when she bites. Oops! I feel bad that Talon says, Bad Bird, cause she's such a Good Bird!

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You have great advice here. Also, usually before they start saying clear words you will hear them speaking "gibberish" and know that they are practicing up to mimic. It is very neat as Greys mimic not only words but voices. There may be some but I am not aware of any other birds that mimic exact voices as well as words.

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Josey was nearly 1 year old before she said her first word clearly, before that it was jibberish and you could not understand what she was saying. She got the wolf whistle down early though, my hubby saw to that. And she says words and phrases exactly like I say them, and laughs like me also.

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