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Archie has gone


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Have you called the police department to verify this info. They could tell you if they indeed sent someone to your home. If they don't have any information then you would know that this is truly a scam and start acting fast. Maybe you would need to have the police go the person that you got Archie from house. If this is a scam I am thinking you would need to do this soon because he is probably getting ready to use Archie again to do this to someone else.


Same question, have you contacted the police?

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Wow, this is unbelievable..I can't even imagine. I find it strange that the police would do such a thing when it is pretty much just his word versus yours. Where is Archie being kept? Has there been any progress with proving to the police you did pay? Please update as soon as possible!

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Hi everyone sorry it has taken me a while to post updates i have been getting my head together because as you all seem to of gathered i have been a stupid girl and basically gave Archie away,i fell for a scam and dont think i will ever find out how they come to know we had Archie and our addy etc etc,we went to the C.A.B and they told me basically everything everyone on here said,needless to say i have not been at my best sinse then,my hubby drove to the man who we got it from house and some lady answered and denied there was ever a man living there


Now after alot of talking / arguing / crying etc etc my hubby has desided we leave this matter here as we cannot identify Archie in any way as we never got to get his band info and we know nothing else so he just wants to leave it and get another bird,i really dont know how i feel about that yet i think its all just abit to soon as iam still in `mourning` and the guilt is almost unbearable,but iam trying to get past it all


Thank you to everyone for trying to help me and your words of support , i would like to stay on the forum as i like to read everything everyone else is getting up to

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Of course you can stay Sarah, all that is needed to be a member here is to have a love of greys and you obviously have that so stay and join in the conversations for I feel that one day you will have another grey to share your life with.

Don't beat yourself up over this, we all have done stupid things that we later regretted but just to say I think this type of scam will never happen to you again, one lesson is all that is needed but the world is full of people who will prey on the gullible and I think this scam will be played over and over again with other people, maybe by the same man.

You will know when the time is right to get yourself another grey for you should take all the time you need to grieve for Archie right now, just remember when one door closes another opens so keep your heart open to possibilities.

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Sending good thoughts that Archie will end up with someone not connected to the scam, happy and loved. I can't imagine how you are feeling- please know that you are in my thoughts as well.

Hopefully a new feathered love will come into your life , not to replace Archie, but to fill the other space in your heart.


Karen and Sam

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Dear xSarahx. Thank you so much for telling us what has been happening. I am so sorry that our worst fears have been confirmed! I do hope Archie is OK. He will certainly be advertised again. You may be certain that these crooks have done this before. Have you been in touch with the police? They may not care that much about missing parrots but they get very upset when people impersonate them for criminal purposes. You may yet find Archie even now.

Please don't beat yourself up over being taken in. We all respect the police so any of us could have been fooled as you were.

Your story is a warning to us all.

I do hope you find the bird for you whether Archie or another. There are plenty of parrots in need of the kind of loving home you would provide.

Remember this is a place for people who love parrots and Greys in particular but you have no need to currently have a Grey to belong.

Please stay.


Steve n Misty

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As cynical as I can be, I find it hard to believe that humans can behave is such a reprehensible manner. For some reason, I can easily believe that a person can kill another person over an iPhone, but I can't wrap my head around scams involving innocent pets.


I wish I could offer you solace, Sarah. I know that some people cannot "replace" a beloved pet, and others take great comfort from doing so. When my golden retriever, Barley, had to be put down, we got a new golden puppy, Piper, only a week later. As much as they look alike, we never felt that Piper "replaced" Barley, but we just had a hole in our hearts that Piper filled in her own way. (Both Barley and Piper were/are wonderful and screwed up in their own unique ways...)

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Thanks everyone,there have been shall i say `just a few arguments` in our house past few days,i want to go to the police etc etc and hunt these people down but i also know what my hubby says is true,we dont have a hope in hell,then there is the guilkt i feel for it all and i also find it hard that my hubby seems to just disregard this almost,,,`just get another one you only had Archie a month` ....1) i would love to know where he thinks we will get the money as i said we got in abit of debt to afford Archie 2) iam one of those people that fall in love with things very easerly and then find it very difficult to let go , but i know i have to and i suppose it is because he never got attached to Archie as he was never allowed anywhere near him untill a few days before he went :S


I do know why my hubby wants to get another one as not to get to personal but a parrot is to be the baby we cannot have,my 2 boys are not his, i duno mayby one day i do miss him we will see

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I don't like to get in the middle of a private family argument but your husband is wrong! Going to the police is no guarantee you will get your Archie back but it is the very best chance you have! As I said in a previous post the police may not care about missing parrots but they care a great deal when a felon impersonates them for criminal purposes. Ideally you should have acted as soon as the crooks took Archie but even now it may not be to late.

If you don't, you stand no chance at all and you let those b******ds get away with your cash and your parrot. Did you find the ad in Gumtree? If so the police may have a way to trace the crooks.

Don't let this create anger between you and your husband. Reserve that for the crooks. Use your anger to energise you to see this through as far as you can. Don't let this horrible event turn in on yourselves.

Please please don't give up!


Steve n Misty

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Sarah. I have just spoken to the police in general terms about your situation. They told me that they regard parrots as valuable property and would certainly act to try to recover one that was stolen.

They also confirmed that they take crooks who impersonate police extremely seriously and that they will not let it go! You need to phone 101 which is now the UK police phone number for non emergency cases. It is easy to do and even if you do not get Archie back you will know that you did what you could and it will help ease your guilt! Phone 101 now!


With deep respect


Steve n Misty

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Go to the police! Take your stand and don't just let them do this! For all you know, these people were in your home checking things out to come back and get later on. Atleast the police would be aware there are people out there pretending to be the real deal!

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I am with Nancy! What ever we can do, we are here for you! You have a a great start to show the police your ownership by the threads posted here. There is also your avitar photo with a leg band right there, maybe it can be enlarged some to even get partial numbers off of!

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  • 5 months later...

Hi Sarah, i have just been informed of something very similar that has happened to one of my group members on facebook. I could really do with talking to you, can you remember what the man and woman looked like at the house where you bought the bird from at all? Was it in pontefract by chance? xx

Edited by shar
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Hi Sarah, i have just been informed of something very similar that has happened to one of my group members on facebook. I could really do with talking to you, can you remember what the man and woman looked like at the house where you bought the bird from at all? Was it in pontefract by chance? xx


You might try using the private message feature. Some people have set their controls to receive e-mails notifying them that they have a PM.

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