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Archie has gone


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my heart has been broken


3 days ago i had a knock at the door,it was the police,saying iam `holding stolen goods` in my home,by this they meant my baby Archie,now this is sooooo far fetched if it wasnt for the empty space i now have in my living room even i would not believe it



They came in and looked at Archie and aSKED me lots of questions,i wont bore you with to many details but the ins and outs of it is they took him,they took my baby asway from me


apperently the bloke we brought him from phoned them up and told them we had an agreement that i paid half (£250) and took Archie and i would then pay the other half in 2 weeks (from the date i took him) which is about 3 weeks ago now and i have not lived up to my commitment,this is complete and utter RUBBISH!!


me and my hubby struggled for a month,we didnt pay a months rent whihcc has got us in trouble to pay for him,lent money off my hubbys dad to pay for him, but because we have no `proof of purchase` we dont have a leg to stand on , all we can do is get as much evidence together as possible that could prove we paid fair and square for him,which we are doing and then take this low life scum bag to court and get my baby back!!


I said to the polkice man , how did u get my address , my name evn as i never told the man this , i dont even know his name, apperently he found us onthe internet??? and then the police took it from there......now come on that in itself screams this man is talking out of his backside,why on earth would he let us take his bird on this `agreement` without having our names and adress??you just wouldnt....but the police sid unfortunatly until all this is proved Archie has to be taken away and only if we prove this we get him back,


This is going to cost us a fair bit as we do not qualify for help,but i dont care,how dare this man do this to us,i have not stopped crying sinse, my heart aches for my baby,iam so upset but iam going to fight this all the way i paid for him fair and swquare he deserves to be with us where he was loved aand well cared for,ok his diet was not the best but i was tryng i jaut miss him so mch


I have not said anything until nowas i was trying to not say anything as it just so unreal,but i hope i can still stay on here until he is back with us

Edited by xSarahx
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Oh my god! I am so upset and angry! I feel really bad for you. Don't give up, stay positive and gather up all the info you can. Ad please print out your posts here as proof of what you have gone thru in your purchase, it may help...

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This is terrible news but if you do owe any money to this man try getting the money and pay him what you owe and see if that gains Archie back to you. It is so important to keep all paperwork but then you thought he was on the up and up and now he has involved the police in the matter. He is obviously a callous person not thinking of Archie at all or he wouldn't have gone thru with this. My heart goes out to you for it is a horrific experience but hang in there and gather together all the proof you need to get him back, we are behind you 110%, good luck and keep us informed.

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I hate to say this but you must realize now that you made a serious mistake not getting a receipt from the seller and I don't understand why he would apparently let you take Archie with you having paid only half without getting your address and without a written agreement. That does not ring true. How did the police explain that ? I am also surprised that the Police got involved because this seems to be a civil dispute. Has the seller agreed to repay your £250? Have the police returned the parrot to the seller? You need to lodge a counter complaint with the police because it looks to me that they have made a mistake taking the Archie from you. Do they say you stole Archie and at the same time admit you paid at least half?If the police are accusing you of theft then they must caution you. How much did you pay for Archie? The police have only the sellers word against yours the there was an agreement of any kind. Did the police give you a receipt for the parrot? Is the seller re-advertising the parrot? You need to find out more about this man.


Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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This is heartbreaking news. I have never heard of such a thing. I am so sorry that Archie had a loving home and got close and how he must be feeling confused and scared. That makes me really mad. I hope you are able to find some kind of proof of your position. If you paid with cash, you might have a bank receipt for taking money from your account. Is there any place where this breeder advertises the cost for birds that confirms your purchase price? How did you find Archie originally? Do you have any contacts from that time? Of course hindsight is twenty-twenty, recreating the paper trail is a lot harder. Bless you in your search to make this right for Archie.

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print out every post you've made here. print out any emails, if any, you exchanged with this creep (i can't say what i'd really like to about this "person" without getting banned!!) copy any bank transactions like money withdrawn that you used towards archie. see if you can get sworn and notarized statements from any one you borrowed money from to help pay for archie. see if you can find anyone else this "person" has done this to and find out what their outcome was and get sworn statements if possible.

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Steve brought up some good points in his post so check on those as this just doesn't seem right to me. I feel so sad for you and sadder for Archie because he doesn't know what is going on, he must be so traumatised by now. I don't know how the laws are over there in the UK but I wouldn't rest until he is back home with you.

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Steve is right this is civil and nothing to do with the Police. I cannot understand how they have got involved in what sounds like a verbal agreement between you and the seller. Have you been told the full story here?? Perhaps Archie was already ''stolen goods'' and you have unknowingly bought him. All I know for sure is the Police would not normally get involved in the circumstances you describe (I work for the Police in the UK).

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You know the more I think about this the more I think this was just some thieves who posed as police and stole him from you. Did they show you some identification, were they dressed as policemen, this is beginning to sound more and more like some kind of scam, I would never have handed over my bird to those people even if they were the real police, a charge would have been filed but I don't think they would have taken the bird. I wish I could help you.

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In the first thread, she wrote the guy she got him from had cancer, could he have passed away and his kids filed the charges not knowing the balance had been paid? I don't know how your laws are over there but if that had happened over here, yes it would be a scam.

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If I understand this right, you say you paid for Archie in full but did not get a receipt or bill of sale. The seller says you only paid 1/2 and were to pay the reminder in 2 weeks. In 3 weeks after your pick up of Archie the police came, asked questions and then took Archie because you could not prove that you had paid anything for Archie. Personally, I would post an ad in the classified ads or other UK means and see if anyone else has had this happen to them. Perhaps this is an ongoing scam this guy does over and over again.

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Steve is right this is civil and nothing to do with the Police. I cannot understand how they have got involved in what sounds like a verbal agreement between you and the seller. Have you been told the full story here?? Perhaps Archie was already ''stolen goods'' and you have unknowingly bought him. All I know for sure is the Police would not normally get involved in the circumstances you describe (I work for the Police in the UK).


I have private messeged you as iam now sick with worry



Iam now strting to feel/think something is really not right here either,iam trying to remember exactly what happened and what was said but i was in shock and dont want to cross my wires up or anything,but reading everything everyone has said i do not feel good at all!!


It was a normal day Archie was on top of his cage i was doing,,,dunno something in th lving room,they knocked on the door and come in looked over Archie sat me down and asked me like where i got him from,how much i paid,etc etc,but everything i asked them was returned with `itass confidential`,i dont even know where they have took him as that is confidential,they didnt give me any phone numbers they just said leave it a few days for them to get all the paper work together and then go down the local police station,if i go near the house i got him from or make contact i will be arrested. I then had to put Archie in hes cage and off they went,didnt want any of hes toys that were out the cage or any of his favorate nuts they just went,


I swear i do not owe this man any money,,we paid fair and square for Archie,the only proof of this i have is i have never missed a rent payment in the past 10 years but i missed febuarys,we lent £100 off of hubbys dad and hes van to collect him,i withdrew £400 from my bank , noone except me hubby and kids and the seller was there,he also had another parrot there he was selling,he told us he was selling archie because he had cancer , no names were exchanged,nothing we asked him some details about archie gave him the money and of we went,i never ever thought about proof of purchase or anything , it just didnt acure to me, only email i have is asking the seller if he still has him then everything was done by phone


Me and hubby have never had anything to do with the police,were good genuine people,we are going to a place called citizens advice bureau tomorrow , it is a free legal advice place , so hopefully they will shed some light on this ,i just dont know how to feel at the monet,scared i have let my bay go to some strangers cas iam a stupid girl??or upset and angry that this man is lying ! i dont even know where they took archie they would not tell me

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I do hope you get him back. You absolutely must go to the police because they had no right to take the bird from you. You must also try to find a sympathetic lawyer who can give you proper help. You may need to try to get a court order to have Archie returned to you. Some times the CAB can come up trumps but in the end they can only offer advice. Can you clarify how much you paid for Archie? Was it £500? The police should have given you a receipt when they took the parrot. This whole thing is wrong in so many ways.

I have just spoken with a friend who has legal expertise and his conclusion is that you have been scammed. You must go to the police NOW!

It looks like the "Policemen " who came to your home were fake and the police do not take that crime lightly ! Were they uniformed?


Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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Have you called the police department to verify this info. They could tell you if they indeed sent someone to your home. If they don't have any information then you would know that this is truly a scam and start acting fast. Maybe you would need to have the police go the person that you got Archie from house. If this is a scam I am thinking you would need to do this soon because he is probably getting ready to use Archie again to do this to someone else.

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IF it was the police who came to her home, I am thinking this is a scam pure and simple but even if they were legitimate it stresses the need for us to make sure we get written proof in a sale like this. I feel so bad for you Sarah but act quickly and get all your friends and family to help you with this situation, we are all pulling for you here and want Archie back where he belongs.

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

Yes, do find out if there were any cameras. I know you were told not to go to that individual's house, but is there someone else that can go to the neighboring houses? Who knows, maybe the man's neighbors have cameras looking into the front yard or side of the house. My uncle and my boyfriend's parents have cameras on the outside and sides of their house and you could see what's going on across the street and such on footage. If you guys were caught on camera being welcomed into the man's home and leisurely walking out with Archie, it could help prove he wasn't stolen.

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