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attaching avery to house,yes or no?


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Right my master plan is....



What will become the bird room has 2 windows in it , iam thinking of attaching an avery securly to the wall in ym garden,so almost like a conservatory but its an avery,so my birds can fly out the windows to go outside but come indoors when they want.Now iam wondering if this is as good for them as i think it could be?? having the choice of indoors and out doors,although the tiels and grey fly around in here ok is it a different story in a avery type thing?am i just asking for trouble?


I have not figured out how i would get them back indoors if they dont want to but iam talking about something that probly wont be ready to use until summer next year as i dont want to rush it and then loose all my birds

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I think that would be wonderful. :)


I have been kicking around a similar idea for a few years now which would be out through my patio sliding glass door. The only thing you'll need to address, is when they come in and you close the windows, they will need to have decals or blinds let down so they know they are closed. This will avoid a tragic accidental full speed flight right in to a closed window.

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If your bird room is on the first floor, could you put a door on the outside, for human access (double door to prevent them flying out)?



Iam not quite sure what you mean by this??do you mean turning the windows into a door for easier access??..that is a good idea,there would be no risk in them escaping then as i wont have to open the `avery` at all


Yes it is on the ground floor,it is at the moment my dinning room,the wall that closes it off to the living room is going to be nocked down soon to open it up

Edited by xSarahx
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I think that would be wonderful. :)


I have been kicking around a similar idea for a few years now which would be out through my patio sliding glass door. The only thing you'll need to address, is when they come in and you close the windows, they will need to have decals or blinds let down so they know they are closed. This will avoid a tragic accidental full speed flight right in to a closed window.


Thats something i didnt think of,i silly assumed they would just know the windows are shut,i might invest in turning the windows into patio doors,think it would make it all alot easier for the birds aswell as me

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Only provide meals indoors then they will always return with out too much fuss. Do expect some chew damage around the windows and any other parts they can reach, our Greys at the Sanctuary took apart outside lights, Hardyboard wall trim and in general did more damage than the Macaws the lived inside the same enclosure for years.

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Iam not quite sure what you mean by this??do you mean turning the windows into a door for easier access??..that is a good idea,there would be no risk in them escaping then as i wont have to open the `avery` at all


Yes it is on the ground floor,it is at the moment my dinning room,the wall that closes it off to the living room is going to be nocked down soon to open it up


What I was envisioning is an outdoor human access door so you can get in, clean, or help the birds find the window to go back inside.

My Dad kept racing pigeons and his outdoor access was not large at all, but big enough to reach in and clean..

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