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plane trip with my grey


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We had to take Makena on a plane to get him here, but the airline we went on allowed us to bring him in the cabin. And it was only about a 30 minute flight. He was fine, he just slept. Have you checked to make sure there aren't any airlines that will allow you to bring him in the cabin?


Many companies ship there birds on airlines and don't have any problems. I am sure many people on here can give there experiences having a bird shipped to them. It happens all the time and I am sure your grey will be fine :)

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There is also special paper work you will need to get done ahead of time to take your Grey into another country.


As others have stated, check with different airlines and see IF they allow for small animals or birds in the cabin and what the maximum carrier size would be.

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Our Grey flew to us from across the US and was in flight for several hours and we did not have any problems at all. There are temperature requirements that must be met. I also agree with others who talk about the carry on. MANY people take dogs, cats, birds, and other critters as carry ons. They just have to have a carry on that meets the requirements of the airlines requiring size here in the US. Also, look into the quarantine and health requirements with customs to ensure you don't run into any problems at your destination.

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I know for dogs, they must be under 15 pounds and in a special crate that will fit under your seat, becaus ethey ask that the animal be placed under there during takeoff and landing. Putting your bird in the hold, on the bottom of the plane i think would be a bad idea. There is no heat down there, and i don't know what pressure they keep the cargo hold at, i figure any small change my make the bird sick? but maybe i am just crazy.

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When we were bringing Makena interisland we had to go to a special office at the airport which housed the US Dept of Agriculture. They had to check Makena and put a sticker on his cage, saying he was safe for flight. You may have to do something like that.


If we were to bring him here from the mainland we would have to have to have him quarantined, which Loviechick is right, tends to be very expensive. Good luck!

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I know about the quarantine of animals brought into Hawaii from the mainland, I had some cousins who used to live there and when they brought their dog over, he had to spend a few months in quarantine before they could take him to the island they were living on, now that sucks to have to leave your pet like that, and I can't imagine how that would be with a grey, a nightmare of epic proportions I'm sure.:ohmy:

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I to also plan on taking my CAG on a airline within a month or so. I am flying from Denver to San Francisco/Oakland.


Has anyone on here actaully flown with a African Grey on any of the Airline carriers in the United States? If so were you allowed to take the bird in the cabin with you? Did you have to take the bird out of the carrier while going through the security check point? What type of pet carrier did you use?

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Talon was shipped by Delta Express from Florida to MA. There was special paperwork required, and the temperatures had to be within a certain range. It was winter here. She was shipped in the cargo area, and Delta has a limit to the number of live animals that are shipped per flight. Also, they have many other requirements, a vet certified health certificate, and food requirements, holding time, and flight times as well. Definitely do your homework and research everything well in advance.


Good luck! :)

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