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Greetings and Salutations from Jersey

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Hello all

Me and my husband have been owned by birds for a few years now but we have recently added a beautiful girl named Lucky to our home. She is very loving with us and we absolutely adore her. She is a chest plucker but its not 100% bald. We are unsure of her age. She was found outside with no band by a person then with her previous 15 years. I am unsure how long she was with the person who found her and am trying to get more info. I am assuming she is at least 16+

I have had a horrific experience with her which I will be posting in another thread for ideas and opinions. I'd appreciate any and all feedback.:)



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Hello NutMeg and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Lucky.

I read your other thread about the horrible experience you had with her, hopefully one of our more experienced members will have some insight into your problem with her.

How many other birds do you have and what are they? We adore pictures here if that is any hint.

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Thanks :)

I have a 67 year old Scarlet Macaw, a 6 year old Yellow naped amazon ( who hates everyone) and a 7 year old white faced cockatiel. The tiel and the amazon are housed on the other side of the house in different rooms while the Macaw is in the same room as our grey.

I will get pics up either tonight or tomorrow :)

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Hi NutMeg and welcome to the grey forum to you and your flock.

Ok now I need your zons name so I can add you and your zon to the honored zons of the grey forum.

Check out our amazon room. It`s a great place and all are welcome.

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Do add an air purifier on the opposite side of your Grey than the Scarlett. Those Mac's have large nostrils that can suck in too much Grey dust and develop breathing issues later, best to be cautious and take safety measures to prevent a miserable health issue. Darn dusty birds-Grey & Cockatoos both produce much feather dust, so the air cleaner will keep you all breathing free as well.

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